All the best Quotes

Quotes that are unforgettable

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Great Quotations

Check out these Quotations:

Movie: The Vals(1982)

Where did you come up with "Herpes Harriet," anyway?

Well, if you weren't my dear cousin, I wouldn't have come up with anything.

Then I wish you weren't my dear cousin.

Movie: Van Helsing(2004)

Van Helsing:
To have memories of those you have loved and lost is perhaps harder than to have no memories at all.

Movie: Jackass Number Two(2006)

April Margera:
Oh my god, you had the cutest butt ever, why did you have to go around and ruin it?

Bam Margera:
I didn't, Dick Farm Dunn did.

Movie: Da(1988)

You'll amount to nothing until you learn to say "No." "No" to jobs, "no" to girls, "no" to money. Otherwise, by the time you've learned to say "no" to life, you'll find you've swallowed half of it.

Movie: Dakota Incident(1956)

Mark Chester:
Maybe we oughtn't have a fire if there's Indians around.

With the moon as high, it won't make no difference. Anyhow, injuns don't need to see. They got an uncanny ear for hearing. They can hear a shadow moving over peace fuzz... a goose bump rising on a white man.

Movie: Kalifornia(1993)

Brian Kessler:
Early seemed harmless. Primitive, but harmless. Of course the fact of the matter was he had killed his landlord less than an hour before we met him. He was even wearing the guy's ring. Who knows what he did with the finger?

Movie: Hackers(1995)

[Reading from "The Hackers' Manifesto."]

Agent Bob:
"This is our world now. The world of the electron and the switch; the beauty of the baud. We exist without nationality, skin color, or religious bias. You wage wars, murder, cheat, lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals. Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto." Huh? Right? Manifesto? "You may stop me, but you can't stop us all."

Movie: Wait Until Dark (TV)(1982)

Well, Suzy... now all the children have gone to bed. Now we can talk.

Movie: Major League II(1994)

[after Hayes calls a shot to left field and flies out to left for the second time]

Harry Doyle:
You know, he could be pointing at the left fielder.

Movie: Orgazmo(1997)

Joe Young:
I am a bad, bad Mormon!

Movie: VeggieTales: Dave and the Giant Pickle (V)(1996)

Pa Grape:
It's very nice that you wanna help. But saving the country is a big thing. You're a little guy! Big people do big things and little people do little things. So - stay with the sheep.

Today's Movie News

Marvel movies move to FX (Comics2Film)

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:40:03 GMT
Marvel Studios continues its unstoppable takeover of Hollywood, by preselling the cable rights to its first five movies, including ' Iron Man ' and ' Incredible Hulk ' to the FX  Channel before their first film has even debuted.

Marvel Studios Enters into Free TV Rights Deal with FX for Marvel's Self-Produced Movies (Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance)

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 10:03:00 GMT
LOS ANGELES----Marvel Studios, a subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment, Inc. has entered into its first basic cable distribution relationship for its self-produced movies through an agreement with FX.

Receta de Champán Martini

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 14:54:00 +0000
Aquí está una receta sabrosa para Champán Martini, con licor de la
naranja de Champán y del Cointreau. 1 porción de licor anaranjado
del Cointreau 2 porciones de mezcla y servicio de Champán. Servicio
en un cristal del coctel.

Ella Mae Gerard

Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:18:00 GMT
Daily Iberian - She enjoyed caring for children, listening to music, sewing, word puzzles and watching movies, especially Western movies. Survivors include her sisters, Elizabeth Trahan Suire and ...

Marvel movies move to FX (Comics2Film)

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:40:03 GMT
Marvel Studios continues its unstoppable takeover of Hollywood, by preselling the cable rights to its first five movies, including ' Iron Man ' and ' Incredible Hulk ' to the FX  Channel before their first film has even debuted.

Daily Quotes

Here are the Quotes ...

Movie: Dancer in the Dark(2000)

[referring to Gene] Why did you have him? You knew he would have the same disease as you.

I just wanted to hold a little baby.

Movie: Under Siege 2: Dark Territory(1995)

Mercenary #1:
You know, I never considered myself a vicious person. But you, you're like a fucking cockroach! So what do you do when the little bastard shows himself? You squash him, right? Get what I'm trying to say to you here bus boy?

Bobby Zachs:
I'm a porter, not a bus boy.

Mercenary #1:
[laughing] Okay, Mister porter. You got balls, man. So I'm gonna let you decide, okay? You wanna see it coming... or do you wanna turn around?

Bobby Zachs:
[seeing Ryback come in] Hey... you wanna help me out here, man?

Movie: Our Little Girl(1935)

Rolfe Brent:
Look here, why don't the two of you come and go riding with me sometime?

Dr. Donald Middleton:
Thanks, Brent. Mrs. Middleton might. The only thing I ride is that old bus of mine. It bounces just as much, but it doesn't bite.

Rolfe Brent:
How about you, Mrs. Middleton?

Elsa Middleton:
Oh, I haven't ridden in years. I don't know if I could.

Rolfe Brent:
Oh, of course you could. You used to be great.

Molly Middleton:
Of course you could, Mommy. You just get on them and go.

Dr. Donald Middleton:
But don't you let her take any of those jumps until she's all set.

Rolfe Brent:
You can trust me, Doctor. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning, Mrs. Middleton, around ten o'clock?

Dr. Donald Middleton:
She'll get a big kick out of it.

Molly Middleton:
She doesn't want to get kicked, Daddy.

Movie: Kelly's Heroes(1970)

Hey, Oddball, this is your moment of glory. And you're chickening out!

To a New Yorker like you, a hero is some type of weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three tigers.

Movie: Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss (TV)(1988)

Ralph's Mother:
[whistles] Are you up?

Old Man:
[yelling] Will you shut up?

Movie: Back to the Future(1985)

Marty McFly:
[to Uncle Joey as a baby, playing in his playpen] So you're my Uncle Joey. Better get used to these bars, kid.

Movie: Accepted(2006)

Sherman Schrader:
It was your idea to put "acceptance is just one click away"

Bartleby Gaines:
Yeah put it as "one click away" but you don't make it clickable!

Movie: Kate & Leopold(2001)

What has happened to the world? You have every convenience and comfort, yet no time for integrity.

Movie: The Bad Boys of Saturday Night Live (TV)(1998)

David Spade:
Well I finally sat through The Bodyguard and: Iiiiiiiii-eee-iiiiiii-want my money back!

Latest Movie News

Movie Store Wants to Clean Up Movies (KIFI Idaho Falls)

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 03:38:48 GMT
A local video storeowner thinks movies are just too graphic, so know he's carrying a new device to help you take the 'trash' out.

Major theater chain restores raunchy trailers

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 15:38:00 GMT
Saskatoon Star Phoenix - This is going to be hugely helpful for us when we want to give targeted moviegoers a true sense of the kind of movies we are offering," said Adam Fogelson, Universal president ...

MOVIES: 'Who' rules the box office

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 16:50:00 GMT
Tonawanda News - Horton hears a cash register. On the heels of a ubiquitous ad campaign and positive reviews, “Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!” enjoyed the biggest debut of the year by taking ...

Receta del eje

Sun, 27 May 2007 17:53:00 +0000
Compruebe fuera de esta receta apetitosa para el eje, con el licor
anaranjado de Aperol, la ginebra y el vino blanco chispeante. 3 el
terraplén anaranjado de la ginebra del cl del licor 3 de Aperol del
cl con el vino blanco chispeante vierte Apoerol y el hielo excesivo de
la ginebra en un cristal del highball. Revuelva. Llene del vino blanco
chispeante. Sirva en un cristal de Highball.

Quotations for Today

Today's Quotations:

Movie: Earth Girls Are Easy(1988)

If you wanna be a femme fatale, you can't rest on your L'Oréals!

Movie: The Magnificent Seven(1960)

Well I'll be damned. I never knew you had to be anything but a corpse to get into Boot Hill. How long's this been going?

Since the town got civilized.

Movie: Absolute Beginners(1986)

Aren't you a little old for her Henley?

Henley of Mayfair:
I'm only 37.

37? Around the waist maybe?

Movie: Jackass Number Two(2006)

Wee Man:
What? I can't hear... kinda.

Movie: Van Helsing(2004)

Are you always this popular?

Van Helsing:
Pretty much.

Movie: Unforgiven(1992)

[first title card]

Title card:
She was a comely young woman and not without prospects. Therefore it was heartbreaking to her mother that she would enter into marriage with William Munny, a known thief and murderer, a man of notoriously vicious and intemperate disposition. When she died, it was not at his hands as her mother might have suspected, but of smallpox. That was 1878.

Movie: Unison (VG)(2000)

Dr. Dance:
We're going to change the world!

Movie: Galaxy Quest(1999)

[after the Blue Creatures have eaten Limpy]

Jason Nesmith:
Ok, here's the plan: first, Fred, we need a diversion to clear these things out of the compound, then Gwen, Alex, Fred and I go down to get the sphere. Any of those things come back Tommy, give a signal. Guy, you set up a perimeter.

Gwen DeMarco:
Why does this sound so familiar?

Tommy Webber:
"Assault on Voltarek III". Episode 81 I think.

Guy Fleegman:
We're doing episode 81?

Tommy Webber:
Whatever, the one with the hologram. The wall of fire.

Gwen DeMarco:
How the hell is Fred supposed to project a hologram?

Guy Fleegman:
We're doing episode 81, Jason?

Jason Nesmith:
It doesn't have to be a hologram, just a diversion.

Guy Fleegman:
Jason, are we doing episode 81 or not?

Jason Nesmith:
It's a rough plan, Guy, what does it matter if we're doing episode 81 or not?

Guy Fleegman:

Movie: Ocean's Eleven(1960)

[teaching poker to young Hollywood actors]

Shane, you've got three pairs. You can't have six cards! You can't have six cards in a five-card game!

Movie: Dance Me Outside(1995)

I don't want trouble in here. Two things happen to a man in jail. He comes out a killer or he comes out a Christian. Either way, I don't want him in here.

Movie: The Dam Busters(1955)

Air Vice-Marshal Cochrane:
Good morning, Gibson.

Morning, sir.

Air Vice-Marshal Cochrane:
First of all, congratulations on the bar to your DSO.

Thank you, sir.

Air Vice-Marshal Cochrane:
You finished your third tour last night?

Yes sir.

Air Vice-Marshal Cochrane:
Would you be prepared to take on one more trip?

What kind of trip, sir?

Air Vice-Marshal Cochrane:
I can't tell you much about it, for the present. But, it'll be a special one and you'll command the operation. I'm afraid it'll mean putting off your leave. How do you feel about it?

Alright sir.

Air Vice-Marshal Cochrane:
Good. It's going to need careful training, the commander-in-chief wants a special squadron formed. it'll be best if you formed it yourself. I'm telling all the squadrons they'll have to be prepared to give up some of their most experienced crews. They're not going to like it.

Movie: Taking Lives(2004)

[first lines]

Where are you going?

Today's Movie News

Receta del eje

Sun, 27 May 2007 17:53:00 +0000
Compruebe fuera de esta receta apetitosa para el eje, con el licor
anaranjado de Aperol, la ginebra y el vino blanco chispeante. 3 el
terraplén anaranjado de la ginebra del cl del licor 3 de Aperol del
cl con el vino blanco chispeante vierte Apoerol y el hielo excesivo de
la ginebra en un cristal del highball. Revuelva. Llene del vino blanco
chispeante. Sirva en un cristal de Highball.

At the Multiplex, More Than Movies

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:01:00 GMT
NPR News - The Bryant Park Project , March 17, 2008 · At a conference this weekend, film industry executives discussed the possibility of using local movie theaters to show sporting events ...

Great Quotes


Movie: C.R.A.Z.Y.(2005)

Raymond Beaulieu:
[to Laurianne] I missed... your delicious ironed toast.

Movie: Baby Geniuses(1999)

[seeing Dickie's new look] You look like Mt. Pepto Bismol erupted.

Movie: One Foot in Hell(1960)

Stu Christian:
Looks like a real rough trip for you, don't it, gray belly? No whiskey, no women.

I bet when you were a kid you were tops in your town - you know, with a crayon - drawing dirty things on nice, clean walls.

Harry Ivers:
Felicitations, gentlemen. An outstanding piece of repartee.

Movie: L.A. Story(1991)

Whatever you do, don't get dumped in L.A. I mean, it's not like New York, where you can meet someone walking down the street. In L.A. you practically have to hit someone with your car. In fact, I know girls who speed just to meet cops.

Movie: "1-800-Missing"(2003)

FBI Agent Nicole Scott:
A guy wants out of a woman's room, he'll do anything.

FBI Agent Antonio Cortez:
Have you seen this woman?

FBI Agent Nicole Scott:
Oh, that's right, you think she's hot.

FBI Agent Antonio Cortez:
No, well, you know, I just wanted to give you a full description... of what she looked like. Do I personally think she's hot... no.

FBI Agent Nicole Scott:
But other people do?

FBI Agent Antonio Cortez:
I don't know, I mean you know she's blonde, and she has that thing, and she's - she's - she's cute, but she's not my type.

FBI Agent Nicole Scott:
So who's type is she?

FBI Agent Antonio Cortez:
Other people's.

FBI Agent Nicole Scott:
Ah, other people.

Movie: Oh, Susanna!(1936)

Gene Autry aka Tex Smith:
But I tell you, I'm Gene Autry!

Deputy Sheriff:
And I'm Bing Crosby.


Deputy Sheriff:

Frog Millhouse:
Boo-boo yourself.

Movie: Underworld(1996)

How can you trust him over me?

Because he's not the one who has been tainted by an animal.

Movie: Half-Life: Opposing Force (VG)(1999)

Sgt. Barnes:
As you can see, you are not dead.

Movie: Jack's Back(1988)

[dressing the old woman's hand wound] "You free Saturday night?"

Movie: D.E.B.S.(2003)

Mrs. Peatree:
Are you kidding me? We conduct a nationwide manhunt for you and you're boning the suspect? Did you think this was a joke? "Let's divert federal resources and man hours so I can have my collegiate lesbian fling in style."

I was doing research.

Mrs. Peatree:
I'll bet.

Latest Movie News

Modern film scores ‘drift around like cows grazing’: Composers

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:51:00 GMT
Zee News - I go to movies a lot and I find myself disappointed again and again by the blandness of the music. Where has melody gone in film music? What do you remember of Breakfast at Tiffany ...

Jackie and Kevin Flynn this week at The Improv

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 14:55:00 GMT
Tahoe Daily Tribune - They have been doing offbeat movies for years and found a place for Jackie where it was time to finally move to southern California and concentrate more on doing movies.

Marvel Studios Enters into Free TV Rights Deal with FX for Marvel's Self-Produced Movies (Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance)

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 10:03:00 GMT
LOS ANGELES----Marvel Studios, a subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment, Inc. has entered into its first basic cable distribution relationship for its self-produced movies through an agreement with FX.

List of some movies filmed in Wisconsin (WBAY Green Bay)

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 01:10:30 GMT
Associated Press - March 16, 2008 9:05 PM ET Some movies that have been filmed in Wisconsin, in part or entirely: "The Truant Soul," a silent film starring Henry B.

Halle Berry has baby girl in L.A. (USA Today)

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 14:12:50 GMT
Halle Berry doesn't just play a mom in movies anymore.

Lines from Movies Update

Give me Lines from Movies now!

Movie: Ulzana's Raid(1972)

Lt. Harry Garnett DeBuin:
You know Ulzana?

His wife my wife's sister.

Lt. Harry Garnett DeBuin:

His wife ugly. My wife, not so ugly.

Movie: Making of 'Jackass: The Movie' (TV)(2002)

Everything we've set out to do for this whole entire movie has been basically a quest for deep trouble, and we found it a lot.

Movie: C.H.U.D.(1984)

A.J. 'The Reverend' Shepherd:
You Cooper?

George Cooper:

A.J. 'The Reverend' Shepherd:
You all right?

George Cooper:
Who are you?

A.J. 'The Reverend' Shepherd:
I run the soup kitchen.

George Cooper:
On Kenmann.

A.J. 'The Reverend' Shepherd:
Right... right. This is crazy. C'mon.

George Cooper:
Thank God they deliver.

Movie: Karakter(1997)

Jacob Katadreuffe:
Today I have been made a lawyer. You no longer exist for me! You have worked against me all my life!

Or for you.

Latest Movie News

Get your fill of TV, movies online at Hulu (The Charlotte Observer)

Sun, 16 Mar 2008 07:16:34 GMT
The major television networks and movie studios, tired of seeing their programming pirated online, have been gradually moving to offer it via legal Web sites and download services. There are two models for this legal Internet distribution: buying or renting shows and movies from services like Apple's iTunes or Amazon's Unbox, which have no commercials; or watching free, ad-supported ...

Receta sexual de Harrassment

Sun, 27 May 2007 13:16:00 +0000
Esto es una receta que tienta para Harrassment sexual, con el whisky
canadiense real de la corona, el licor de la almendra del amaretto, la
ginebra del endrino, el jugo anaranjado y el jugo de piña. la ginebra
canadiense real del endrino del licor el 1/2 onza de la almendra del
amaretto del whisky el 1/2 onza de la corona del 1/2 onza jugo
anaranjado de 3/4 onza jugo de piña de 3/4 onza vierte todos los
ingredientes en una lata que se mezcla con hielo. Sacudida y tensión.
* El jugo de piña es opcional. Servicio ...

Receta del eje

Sun, 27 May 2007 17:53:00 +0000
Compruebe fuera de esta receta apetitosa para el eje, con el licor
anaranjado de Aperol, la ginebra y el vino blanco chispeante. 3 el
terraplén anaranjado de la ginebra del cl del licor 3 de Aperol del
cl con el vino blanco chispeante vierte Apoerol y el hielo excesivo de
la ginebra en un cristal del highball. Revuelva. Llene del vino blanco
chispeante. Sirva en un cristal de Highball.

More Movie Quotations

Straight to the Movie Quotations ...

Movie: Urban Legend(1998)

[to Natalie, Brenda, Paul, and Sasha]

Don't you guys get it? Come on, it's just like that urban legend.

What are you talking about?

You know the story, A boy and a girl, parked out in the woods, making out...

[to Natalie] You made out with him?

Movie: B.O.R.N.(1988)

Dr. Farley:
You ARE a greedy bitch, Liz!

YOUR greed feeds mine, Dr.!

Movie: On Golden Pond(1981)

You like that word, don't you? Bullshit.

Billy Ray:

It's a good word

Movie: Valentine(2001)

Dorothy Wheeler:
When you are old enough to rent a car, we can talk about your role as my stepmother.

Movie: Waiting for Guffman(1996)

[Ron and Sheila are extras in some kind of Hollywood western]

Ron Albertson:
I'd wish they'd at least give us a line. I made some suggestions...

We should be line-DANCING.

Movie: Back to School(1986)

Thornton Melon:
Bring us a pitcher of beer every seven minutes until somebody passes out. And then bring one every ten minutes.

Today's Movie News

Video: Control a computer using your brain

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:51:00 GMT
PC Advisor - HD Entertainment Live from your PC… direct to your TV Wirelessly stream your digital music, movies and photos to your TV or Home Theater with the Linksys Media Center Extender.

Art Brodsky: Movie Spies Are Fun; Movies' Spying On The Internet Is Not (HuffingtonPost)

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 00:53:16 GMT
Net Neutrality has nothing to do with prohibiting innovation or for making movies available in the future. If anything, a free and open Internet would put all movie makers on equal footing.