All the best Quotes

Quotes that are unforgettable

Friday, December 05, 2008

Daily Quotes

Today's Quotes:

Movie: Unfaithful(2002)

Connie Sumner:
Be happy for this moment, this moment is you life.

Movie: An Affair to Remember(1957)

There must be something between us, even if it's only an ocean.

Movie: Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers(1995)

Doctor Sam Loomis:
Good God! Terrence, come in.

Dr. Wynn:
Good grace, what a night! Not so much as a sign for five miles on that road.

Doctor Sam Loomis:
That's the beauty of the countryside... I thrive on it.

Dr. Wynn:
God, you look good Sam.

Doctor Sam Loomis:
Ah, I feel great! I had surgery, plastic surgery. Skin grafts. It cost a fortune, but at least I don't frighten people anymore.

Dr. Wynn:
Well don't tell me that the revered rasputin of Smithsgrove has grown complacent in his old age! I won't believe that for a second.

Movie: The Making of 'Garden State' (V)(2004)

Zach Braff:
I told my cinematographer for this scene I wanted that really warm, romantic light.

Natalie Portman:
Where you can't help but fall in love.

Zach Braff:
Yeah. Most of those leaves are fake by the way, I should mention.

Movie: About a Boy(2002)

[Out to lunch with Will & his mum] I made her put on that nice jumper.

As for his mum, she appeared to be clinically insane, and wearing some kind of yeti costume!

Movie: Hak bak sam lam(2003)

Chan Lok-Yin:
[narrating] I can't believe Wong leads such a simple life. It's a total contrast with the sly old fox I had in my mind. So, why did he kill my dad? No. It's just what he pretends to be.

Latest Movie News

The Reel Truth: Reflection of times that we live in - Economic Times

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 22:37:00 GMT
Truth is stranger than fiction but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities while truth is not. These are oft quoted words of Mark Twain, yet, in most parts where ...

SimpleMovieX simplifies movie clip merging - Mac Central

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 20:56:00 GMT
SimpleMovieX, which lets you edit AVI and MPEG movies, has added some new features in its 3.8 release including the ability to merge several clips into a single movie using drag ...

DVDs: Ron Howard Vs. Ron Howard -

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 21:18:00 GMT
With Frost/Nixon opening today in select cities, Universal has found the right time to celebrate director Ron Howard by releasing The Ron Howard Spotlight Collection ($39.98 ...

Digital Media - CNET News

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 20:28:00 GMT
Netflix, the Web's top video rental store, has corrected a glitch that has plagued some customers of the company's streaming-video service for several weeks, Netflix said Friday ...

Lines from Movies for Today

Give me Lines from Movies now!

Movie: Vacation(1983)

Aunt Edna:
Why don't you just ask him for the money, Eddie? He sure as Hell can't take a hint.

Cousin Eddie:
Well, I didn't want to ask you, Clark, you know, but could you maybe spare a little extra cash?

Sure, Eddie, how much do you need?

Cousin Eddie:
About fifty-two thousand dollars.

Movie: Adaptation.(2002)

John Laroche:
Look, I'll tell you a story, all right? I once feel deeply, profoundly in love with tropical fish. Had 60 goddamn fish tanks in my house. I skin dived to find just the right ones. Then one day I say fuck fish. I renounce fish. I vow never to set foot in that ocean again. That's how much fuck fish.

Movie: Tales from the Hood(1995)

You quit because you're a pussy.

You're a goddamn pussy.

Movie: X-Men: The Last Stand(2006)

[last lines]

Prof. Charles Xavier:
[after credits] Hello, Moira.

Dr. Moira MacTaggart:

Movie: Galaxy Quest(1999)

We were hoping you could come with us. Our people have no commander.

Commander Peter Quincy Taggart:
Mathesar, I think your people have a great commander, sir.

[salutes him]

Movie: October Sky(1999)

Roy Lee:
What's an auk?

It's a bird that don't fly.

Roy Lee:
You mean like a parakeet?

Movie: Madea's Family Reunion(2006)

Take me outside, I want to see my family.

Movie: Zathura: A Space Adventure(2005)

[when a tiny meteor shatters the urn above their fireplace] Grandma!

Latest Movie News

Aero releases SimpleMovieX v3.8 - MacNN

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 21:25:00 GMT
Aero Quartet has released v3.8 of SimpleMovieX , its MP4/AVI editing and repair application. Updates to the software include the ability to select multiple movies from the Finder ...

Patricia Guadalupe - WTOP Radio

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 21:25:00 GMT
I started at WTOP as a print reporter, doing weekly updates on the local Latino community for the Washington Hispanic newspaper, but I've been a radio reporter for far longer than ...

Christmas brings comedy hit at the movies -

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 15:27:00 GMT
There's joy in the air, there's yule on the tide and there's a Christmas comedy at the movies. There's a few things that might baffle you about the seasonal smash hit Four Holidays ...

Local man who acted in movies takes own life - Dayton Daily News

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 21:11:00 GMT
De'Angelo Wilson, 29, a Dayton native and actor who went to southern California for a taste of fame and fortune, hanged himself in the back room of a Los Angeles business on Nov ...

Great Quotes

Straight to the Quotes ...

Movie: The Palm Beach Story(1942)

Princess Centimillia:
Hello, Snoodles, where'd you get the pretty girl?

Movie: Under Fire(1983)

How d'ya like Nicaragua?

Russell Price:
It's beautiful.

Russell Price:
Yeah, it's a shitload of Greasers though, you know.

Movie: The Omen(1976)

Robert Thorn:
I never want to see or hear from you again.

Father Brennan:
You'll see me in hell Mr. Thorn.

Father Brennan:
We'll spend eternity together.

Movie: Zaman(1983)

How is his condition?

Better order a wheelchair.

Movie: U.S. Marshals(1998)

Cosmo Renfro:
[responding to Michael's statement on the news] 27 stitches my ass.

Movie: Major Dundee(1965)

Maj. Amos Dundee:
[Dundee and his men have brought back Tyreen and the escaped Confederates to the fort] Well, Captain, I brought back your wandering boys. Now you tell me how they got loose.

Capt. Frank Waller:
They clubbed two guards and went over the wall. It should be pointed out, Major, that at the time of their escape, 134 men of this command were a half day's march from here, either digging graves or rotting in the sun, waiting to be buried.

Maj. Amos Dundee:
I want every prisoner that can walk on this parade ground in ten minutes - including those in irons.

Movie: The Taking of Beverly Hills(1991)

Boomer Hayes:
I'm hear to talk about my contract

Robert Masterson:
[Last lines as he fires a crowsbow bolt at him] It's been permantley canceled

Movie: D3: The Mighty Ducks(1996)

Coach Orion:
[in reference to Bombay] He IS good.

Charlie Conway:
Just getting started.

Movie: Orgazmo(1997)

Maxxx Orbison:
You get me some nice close-ups... and you give me a nice slow zoom, starting with a medium closeup on the cock... and then widening out to an establishing shot.

Camera Man:

Today's Movie News

*Plus ICANN fee of 20 cents per domain name year.

Marvel Entertainment to tap Indian properties for movies - Indian Television

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 15:13:00 GMT
MUMBAI: New York-based Marvel Entertainment, which holds the rights of iconic characters like Spider-Man, Ironman, Hulk and X-men, is hunting for Indian properties to produce live ...

What's your go-to holiday movie? - San Francisco Gate

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 16:03:00 GMT
When I meet families with older children, I'm often pleased to discover that they have a tradition of watching a holiday movie on Christmas Eve. When I went by Regan's place to ...

Lines from Movies Update

Here are the Lines from Movies ...

Movie: Katamari damacy (VG)(2004)

Item Descriptions:
Dung Beetle - rolls cow dung and makes it bigger. We feel a little rivalry here.

Movie: Adaptation.(2002)

John Laroche:
[viewing an orchid at a flower show] Angraecum sesquipedale! A beauty! God! Darwin wrote about this one. Charles Darwin? Evolution guy? Hello? You see that nectary all the way down there? Darwin hypothesized a moth with a nose twelve inches long to pollinate it. Everyone thought he was a loon! Then, sure enough, they found this moth with a twelve-inch proboscis. Proboscis means "nose," by the way.

Susan Orlean:
I know what "proboscis" means.

John Laroche:
Yeah, let's not get off the subject. This isn't a pissing contest!

Movie: Kangaroo Jack(2003)

Don't worry, Charlie. We'll get the money back, all right? He can't go far.

It's a continent, Louis. He can go *very* far.

I know it's a continent. I read the book.

Did you happen to read the chapter on not putting your jacket on a wild animal?

No, but I did read the chapter on how an aborigine can kill a white man with a twig. Do you want to see that one?

Movie: U2: Rattle and Hum(1988)

[the band is thrilled to be playing with B.B. King]

B.B. King:
If we could find somebody to play chords... I'm no good with chords. I'm horrible with chords.

Um... yeah... well, uh, the Edge can do that.

Movie: Babylon 5: In the Beginning (TV)(1998)

Emperor Londo Mollari:
The humans, I think, knew they were doomed. But where another race would surrender to despair, the humans fought back with even greater strength. They made the Minbari fight for every inch of space. In my life, I have never seen anything like it. They would weep, They would pray, They would say goodbye to their loved ones, then throw themselves without fear or hesitation into the very face of death itself, never surrendering. No one who saw them fighting against the inevitable, could help but be moved to tears by their courage, their stubborn nobility. When they ran out of ships they used guns. When they ran out of guns they used knives and sticks, and bare hands. They were magnificent. I only hope that when it is my time, I may die with half as much dignity as I saw in their eyes in the end. They did this for two years. They never ran out of courage. But in the end, they ran out of time.

Movie: Haggard: The Movie(2003)

You could be up to your spuds in bitch meat every day, but that's not love, that's just jacking loads of birds.

Movie: Malaika la tuhaliq fi al-dar albayda, Al(2004)

The bellies of the greedy shall burst.

Movie: The Acid House(1998)

[Larry is beating Jonny] Blooter that bastard! Kill the fuckin' cunt! Ya fuckin' knob! He's got our fuckin' electricity! He's got ma fuckin' bairn! Go back to your ma! Lick your ma's fuckin' piss-flaps, ya fuckin' cunt!

Movie: X-Men: The Last Stand(2006)

Raven Darkholme:
'bout time

Eric Lensherr:
I've been busy, Did you find what you were looking for?

Raven Darkholme:
The source of the cure is a mutant, a boy at Wortington labs.

Eric Lensherr:
[to Pyro - grabbing the prisoner manifest] Read us the "guest list"

Movie: Bad Apple (TV)(2004)

I wanna try something.

We're in chains, isn't that kinky enough for you?

Movie: One Bad Day(1999)

Argen Boyd:
I just came here to clean. Now if you wanna let go of my neck, I can get started.

Movie: Halo 2 (VG)(2004)

Dear Sarge, having a lovely time kicking ass in outer space - wish you were here!

Sgt. Johnson:
[over intercom] I heard that, Jackass!

Latest Movie News

Shot in the line of duty - New Zealand Herald

Fri, 28 Nov 2008 15:07:00 GMT
"In bulletproof clothing, you don't get a second chance," said Caballero, a smartly dressed Colombian businessman, who makes the world's most fashionable bulletproof suits, ties ...

Rolling the dice on 3-D films - International Herald Tribune

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 11:24:00 GMT
SINGAPORE : Against the current backdrop of diving corporate results and rampant corporate greed, there are a few things that make Jeffrey Katzenberg stand out. As chief executive ...

More Quotes

Check out these Quotes:

Movie: The Opening of Misty Beethoven(1976)

Seymour Love:
What's your name?

Misty Beethoven:
Misty Beethoven.

Seymour Love:
Is that your real name?

Misty Beethoven:
No, it's not. I took to sound more important.

Seymour Love:
What was it before?

Misty Beethoven:
Dolores Beethoven.

Seymour Love:
I should have guessed.

Movie: Darkman(1990)

Robert Durant:
Tell us where to find the Bellasarious Memorandum, and we shall disappear... like a nightmare before the breaking day.

Movie: Q & A(1990)

Captain Lt. Michael 'Mike' Brennan, NYPD:
You're the whitest black man I know, Chappy.

Movie: Madagascar(2005)

[repeated line]

Alex the Lion:
Who's the cat?

Movie: G.I. Joe: The Movie (V)(1987)

Golobulus of Cobra LA:
Behold the culmination of centuries! The ultimate fruit of hypergenetic manipulation, a weapon which no enemy can withstand. In several hours these marvelous fungisoids will mature and launch hundreds of giant pods into orbit. The pods will bear spores, and those spores will degenerate all organisms they touch, mutating them into mindless incompetent life forms.

when the pods ripen they will burst

[Pods exploding]

and shower the earth with enough spores to reduce the entire human civilization to the level of mindless beasts.

[Man roaring as the mutegen spores touch down on him and turn him into a hideous snake beast. The man appears in view and looks at the camera after being hit by the spores. His clothes a tattered by the affects of the mutegen spores knowing that he can't resist the spore's effects]

Golobulus of Cobra LA:
Only those beneath the protection of Cobra LA's icedome will be spared. But the pods will not ripen in the freezing outer space without energy. That's why I must have...

The broadcast energy transmitter. Of course.

Movie: E tu vivrai nel terrore - L'aldilà(1981)

And you will face the sea of darkness, and all therein that may be explored.

Today's Movie News

Mike Myers' Love Guru named 2008's worst film - Stuff

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 02:05:00 GMT
The worst film of the year has been named, and it stars Mike Myers, Jessica Alba, Justin Timberlake and a really bad moustache. Myers' The Love Guru was named the Worst Movie of ...

Shot in the line of duty - New Zealand Herald

Fri, 28 Nov 2008 15:07:00 GMT
"In bulletproof clothing, you don't get a second chance," said Caballero, a smartly dressed Colombian businessman, who makes the world's most fashionable bulletproof suits, ties ...

Latest Movie Quotes

Movie Quotes:

Movie: Tales of Symphonia (VG)(2003)

Zelos Wilder:
[regarding Genis] You're an obnoxious brat, you know that?

Movie: Damn Yankees!(1958)

Mr. Applegate:
I've got too much on my mind. I'm overworked.

Oh, I know, poor dear. Elections coming up.

Movie: ".hack//SIGN"(2002)

Tsukasa! Let's play red light-green light.

Movie: One Good Turn(1931)

One good turn deserves another.

So do I neither.

What do you mean, "so do I neither"?

Movie: Only Angels Have Wings(1939)

Bonnie Lee:
So you're still carrying a torch for her?

Geoff Carter:
Gotta light?

Movie: The Magic Roundabout(2005)

Chill out guys, I've got something stashed that just might help.

Dylan, we don't have time to indulge in recreational activities...

Movie: Danny the Dog(2005)

I tell you, I feel really good here. And I feel generous. Danny, what do you want?

A piano.

Excuse me?

I want a piano.

A piano? Oh yeah. How about a lobster dinner?

I want a piano.

How about a woman? You've never had a woman.

I want a piano.

Danny, you're starting to piss me off.

I want a piano.

[laughs] That's what I love about you, Danny. One thought at a time.

Movie: The Abyss(1989)

Alan "Hippy" Carnes:
You know, we got Russian subs creepin' around; anythin' goes wrong they can say whatever they want happened! Give their folks medals!

Relax, will ya? You're makin' the women nervous.

Lindsey Brigman:
Cute, Virgil.

Today's Movie News

Films report losses as public in no mood for movies - Indian Express

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 06:59:00 GMT
Related Stories: Stage shows hit in a big way due to recession Wishing Konkona Sen Happy Birthday! Mumbai attacks: 4 out of 6 films postponed Terror casts its shadow over Bollywood ...

Spotsy govt.-the odds & ends - Free Lance-Star

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 05:33:00 GMT
T WO special movies debut this weekend to kick off the holiday viewing season, though neither focuses on Christmas. "Front of the Class," a Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation on ...

The 2008 tour has concluded - New Zealand Herald Blogs

Thu, 04 Dec 2008 21:12:00 GMT
Wembley Stadium is a seriously amazing sporting venue. Apart from the MCG, it is the biggest stadium I have been to. Carisbrook however beats it hands down for atmosphere last ...

Today's Movie Quotations

Straight to the Movie Quotations ...

Movie: D.E.B.S.(2003)

Mrs. Peatree:


Mrs. Peatree:
Amy, I think you identify with Lucy Diamond. I think she sees your pathos. You've got some dangerous union symbiosis going on ? What's that movie with Jodie? And the little dog falls in the well with the lotion?

"Silence of the Lambs".

Mrs. Peatree:
You're the lamb Amy.

Movie: Daredevil(2003)

Franklin 'Foggy' Nelson:
It's in black and white, how can you be a skeptic?

Matt Murdock:
If there's no eye witnesses, I mean... big foot has eye witnesses.

Movie: S.W.A.T.(2003)

[to McCabe] Looks like you're not the prettiest one on S.W.A.T. anymore.

Movie: Half Past Dead(2002)

Kesler, Bad Ass Guard:
[Kesler brings Sasha to the death chamber after Lester requests to see him] Welcome to "Slaughterhouse Five".

Why they call it that?

Kesler, Bad Ass Guard:
A man can be legally executed five different ways. Lethal injection's the most popular, followed by hanging, gas chamber, firing squad and then there's my personal favorite...

[holds up stun baton]

Kesler, Bad Ass Guard:
electrocution. It's all done here, in this totally soundproof isolation chamber. We even let the condemned man choose.

Justice Jane McPherson:
[seeing Sasha come in, turns to the warden, El Fuego] Who is that man?

El Fuego:
Number one, one, three, seven.

Justice Jane McPherson:
What's he doing here?

El Fuego:
When a man asks for someone to spend his last hour with, you give it to him.

Movie: Half Past Dead(2002)

[Sasha draws his weapon on 49er One after failing to take him down on the chains above]


Don't even think about it!

49er One:
[grinning wickedly] Your clip's dry, 1137. You know it.

Do you think so?

49er One:
Yeah, I think so. You would have used it by now if it wasn't.

Are you sure?

49er One:
[not certain at first] Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

[Sasha takes the clip out and shows it to 49er One] That's right. The magazine's dry. The question is... do I still have one in the tube?

49er One:
[feeling lucky, he decides to call Sasha's bluff] I say you're dry.

Make your move.

49er One:
[draws his weapon, Sasha pull the trigger and the gun doesn't fire] That's a nice bluff.

It wasn't a bluff. It was a misfire.

49er One:
Where's Lester?

Find him yourself.

49er One:
Sweet dreams, partner.

Movie: Half Past Dead(2002)

[Sasha talks about his wife] She was the best part of me.

Movie: One Night in Paris (V)(2002)

[screaming on the top of his lungs]

Dave Gahan:
Good evening Paris!

Movie: The Magnificent Seven Ride!(1972)

God works in strange ways.

Marshall Chris Adams:
Yeah, I know. He's got me confused most of the time, too.

Movie: Xscape(2000)

They found the transmission.

Movie: Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers(1988)

Dr. Samuel Loomis:
[encounters the Shape in gas station] Michael? Why now? You've waited ten years. Why come back now? I knew this day would come. Don't go to Haddonfield. If you want another victim, take me. But leave those people in peace. Please, Michael?


Dr. Samuel Loomis:
Goddamn you.

[Loomis shoots at Michael]

Movie: Gallagher: Over Your Head (TV)(1984)

[holds up bullwhip] I got this here in Texas. At a 7-11. It was hanging right next to the Cool Whip. I said, "Cool Whip and a bullwhip! Gimme that!"

Latest Movie News

Tips for buying high-def TVs - Stuff

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 02:41:00 GMT
Resolutions, response times and refresh rates are always improving, plus impressive contrast and brightness ratings are bandied about. Televisions are also getting bigger, with 70 ...

A Director Tries 'Guerrilla' Financing - Wall Street Journal

Fri, 05 Dec 2008 04:21:00 GMT
From left, 'Che' director Steven Soderbergh, actor Benicio Del Toro, executive producer Gregory Jacobs. It was nearly a decade ago that Steven Soderbergh and two partners, actor ...