All the best Quotes

Quotes that are unforgettable

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Quotes Update

Here are the Quotes ...

Movie: Our Little Girl(1935)

Rolfe Brent:
Hello, Molly.

Molly Middleton:

[Rolfe reaches to down to pick up Molly, but she backs away from him]

Rolfe Brent:
Well, what's wrong?

Molly Middleton:
I don't like to be picked up. Except by my daddy.

Rolfe Brent:
Well, he's not here just now, Molly. Won't you let me do it?

Molly Middleton:
You don't know how a daddy does.

Rolfe Brent:
I could learn.

Molly Middleton:
It's very hard to learn, sir.

Rolfe Brent:
Let's have a trial. Let's pretend I'm the daddy and you're the little girl.

Molly Middleton:
But I *am* the little girl!

Movie: The Odd Couple(1968)

[to Felix as he walks by] Goodnight.

Felix Ungar:

Movie: The One(2001)

[putting a protective helmet on Rotten Ronnie] It's okay. You're doing the right thing.

Movie: Back to the Future(1985)

Dr. Emmett Brown:
Marty, I'm sorry. But the only power source capable of generating 1.21 gigawatts of electricity is a bolt of lightning.

Marty McFly:
[startled] What did you say?

Dr. Emmett Brown:
A bolt of lighting. Unfortunately, you never know when or where it's ever gonna strike.

Marty McFly:
We do now.

[hands Doc the "Save the Clock Tower" flyer]

Movie: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest(1975)

I can't take it no more. I gotta get outta here.

Chief Bromden:
I can't. I just can't.

It's easier than you think, Chief.

Chief Bromden:
For you, maybe. You're a lot bigger than me.

Movie: Damnation Alley(1977)

Maj. Eugene Denton:
Don't go making something personal out of this. Perry is dead. That doesn't make you right and me wrong. It just means Perry is dead.

Latest Movie News

Balancing films, homework and friends - 10-year-old shows how - Daily News and Analysis

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 09:23:00 GMT
This 10-year-old carries school books to film sets and studies between shots. Swini Khara says she somehow manages to balance movies, homework and friends.

Receta del Caribe de Madras

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 11:12:00 +0000
Una receta que tienta para Madras del Caribe, con ron oscuro, el jugo
anaranjado y el jugo de arándano. 1 jugo de arándano del 1/2 onza 1
ron oscuro de 1/4 onza jugo anaranjado de 3 onzas vierte el ron
oscuro, el jugo anaranjado y el jugo de arándano en una coctelera de
coctel media llena con los cubos del hielo. Sacudara bien, tensión en
un cristal del highball casi llenado de los cubos del hielo, y
servicio. Servicio ...

More Movie Quotes

Check out these Movie Quotes:

Movie: Van Helsing(2004)

[the Dwergi rip a blackened corpse out of the machine's pod and throw it down in front of Velkan]

Count Vladislaus Dracula:
Look familiar?

[Velkan recognizes the crucifix around the corpse's neck]

Father? No!

[charges at Dracula]

Count Vladislaus Dracula:
[stops him easily with a finger] He proved useless. But I'm hoping with Werewolf venom running through your veins, you will be of greater benefit.

Movie: Tarzan's Secret Treasure(1941)

[last lines]

He'll never tell where his riches came from. You can be sure of that.

Tarzan sure.

Movie: K-PAX(2001)

Claudia Villars:
[after prot has disappeared] Patients do not escape from this institution. They don't escape. I'm going to have a great time explaining this to the state board. I've got psychotics on the fourth floor packing up their sneakers because they all think they're going off to K-PAX. Find him.

Movie: The U.S. vs. John Lennon(2006)

Gore Vidal:
Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.

Today's Movie News

Receta del Caribe de Madras

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 11:12:00 +0000
Una receta que tienta para Madras del Caribe, con ron oscuro, el jugo
anaranjado y el jugo de arándano. 1 jugo de arándano del 1/2 onza 1
ron oscuro de 1/4 onza jugo anaranjado de 3 onzas vierte el ron
oscuro, el jugo anaranjado y el jugo de arándano en una coctelera de
coctel media llena con los cubos del hielo. Sacudara bien, tensión en
un cristal del highball casi llenado de los cubos del hielo, y
servicio. Servicio ...

Phillies fail to sweep away Brewers - Bridgeton News

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 08:33:00 GMT
The Phillies remain one game away from eliminating the Milwaukee Brewers in the National League Division Series. But the Phillies also are now one game away from facing Brewers ace ...

Receta del temblor de la barranca

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 02:23:00 +0000
Cheque fuera de esta receta divina para el temblor de la barranca, con
crema, brandy, licor de la almendra del amaretto y crema irlandeses de
la luz. la crema irlandesa poner-as# crema ligera de la onza 3/4 onza
del licor 2 de la almendra del amaretto de 1 onza brandy de 3/4 onza
vierte la crema irlandesa de la crema, del brandy, del amaretto y de
la luz en una coctelera de coctel media llena con los cubos del hielo.
Sacudida muy bien. Filtre en un trago del brandy, y servicio. Servicio

Latest greatest Quotes

Today's Quotes:

Movie: The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert(1994)

I never heard Trumpet play.

Play? He didn't *play*, dear. Trumpet didn't have a single musical bone in his body. No, Trumpet had an unusually large foreskin. So large that he could wrap the entire thing around a Monte Carlo biscuit.

Movie: Out for Justice(1991)

[after beating up the entire bar]

Detective Gino Felino NYPD:
Anybody seen Richie? I'm gonna keep comin' back until someone REMEMBERS seein' Richie.

Movie: Haggard: The Movie(2003)

I like chocolate, I like fudge, I'll make some now or I won't budge.

Movie: Major Payne(1995)

Cadet Alex Stone:
What about family and unity and all that other bullshit you said?

Major Benson Winifred Payne:
I never said family don't break up. Don't you watch Oprah?

Movie: Major League II(1994)

Willie Mays Hayes:
Told you I wasn't gonna slide!

Jack Parkman:
You got a long way to go peckerhead

Willie Mays Hayes:
That's Mr. Peckerhead to you, PAL!

Movie: Paint Your Wagon(1969)

Did you know that the Fenty's had an apple farm back in Pennsylvania?

Ben Rumson:
Apple jack, huh?

Mr. Fenty:
No, sir, we did not make apple jack!

Ben Rumson:
Then, what did you grow the apples for?

Mr. Fenty:
Mr. Rumson, do you think that everything that comes out of the earth should be used to make liquor?

Ben Rumson:
Whenever possible, yes.

Today's Movie News

Problems we face have many causes - Leaf Chronicle

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 09:59:00 GMT
Education levels have deteriorated. Violence and disrespect is promoted via movies and music which depict hate and abuse by those with no respect for others. Criminals are ...

Receta de Chilton

Wed, 19 Mar 2008 17:29:00 +0000
Una receta el tentar para Chilton, con la vodka, los limones, el agua
de soda, la sal y el hielo. 1 terraplén de la vodka del 1/2 onza con
el jugo del hielo del agua de soda de 1 terraplén de la sal de los
limones una sal bordeó el cristal del coctel con hielo. Vierta
adentro la vodka y agregue el jugo del limón. Llene de soda. Inserte
la paja y revuelva levemente. Adorne con una cuña del limón. Sirva
en un cristal del coctel.

Latest Lines from Movies

Lines from Movies:

Movie: Obsessive Love (TV)(1984)

Linda Foster:
Michael loves me - he thinks I'm pretty.

Movie: Oliver Twist(1948)

[watching Dodger and Nancy play cards] Lovely life isn't it my dear?

Oliver Twist:
Yes, sir

Sir? You know who you're talking to, do ya?

Charley Bates:

Movie: Wait Until Dark(1967)

Susy Hendrix:
Do I have to be the world champion blind lady?

Sam Hendrix:

Susy Hendrix:
[turns around] Then I will be. I'll be everything you want me to be.

Sam Hendrix:
I don't want you to be anything other than Susy.

Movie: Van Helsing(2004)

Van Helsing:
Now, my superiors would like for me to take you alive, so that they might extricate your better half.

Mr. Hyde:
[laughing] I'll bet they bloody would.

Van Helsing:
Personally, I'd rather just kill you and call it a day. But let's make it your decision, shall we?

Mr. Hyde:
[pretends to think] Hmm, do let's.

[attacks him]

Movie: Take the Lead(2006)

Pierre Dulaine:
I understand six languages and I speak five - all with a Spanish accent

Movie: Mad Monster Party?(1969)

Felix Flanken:
I'm invited to an island in the Caribbean to take part in a scientific first. A new discovery.

Mr. Kronkite:
You? A mental last to a scientific first?

Movie: Vampire Clan(2002)

Ruth Wendorf:
Go to hell.

Oh, I intend to.

Movie: Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby(2006)

Ricky Bobby:
You can't have two number ones.

Cal Naughton, Jr.:
Yeah, 'cause that would be eleven.

Today's Movie News

Receta del temblor de la barranca

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 02:23:00 +0000
Cheque fuera de esta receta divina para el temblor de la barranca, con
crema, brandy, licor de la almendra del amaretto y crema irlandeses de
la luz. la crema irlandesa poner-as# crema ligera de la onza 3/4 onza
del licor 2 de la almendra del amaretto de 1 onza brandy de 3/4 onza
vierte la crema irlandesa de la crema, del brandy, del amaretto y de
la luz en una coctelera de coctel media llena con los cubos del hielo.
Sacudida muy bien. Filtre en un trago del brandy, y servicio. Servicio

Potter author earns $10 a second - The Province

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 10:06:00 GMT
J.K. Rowling earns £3 million a week. That's roughly $5.75 million weekly in Canadian funds. The Harry Potter author's incredible earnings -- equivalent to about $10 a second ...

Receta Romántica del Caribe

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 14:03:00 +0000
Aquí está una receta el tentar para el Romance del Caribe, con el
ron blanco, el licor de la almendra del amaretto, el jugo anaranjado,
el jugo de piña y el jarabe del grenadine. 1 ron blanco anaranjado
del jugo de piña del jugo 1 el 1/2 onza del 1/2 onza 1 el 1/2 onza
jarabe del grenadine del chapoteo del licor 1 de la almendra del
amaretto de 1 onza vierte el ron, el amaretto, el jugo anaranjado y el
jugo de piña en una coctelera de coctel media llena con ...

Phillies fail to sweep away Brewers - Bridgeton News

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 08:33:00 GMT
The Phillies remain one game away from eliminating the Milwaukee Brewers in the National League Division Series. But the Phillies also are now one game away from facing Brewers ace ...

Daily Quotes

Give me Quotes now!

Movie: Damien: Omen II(1978)

Damien Thorn:
Why are you running away from me, Mark?

Mark Thorn:
I know who you are.

Damien Thorn:
You do?

Movie: The Oregon Trail(1959)

George Seton:
Haven't you ever rode a horse before?

Neal Harris:
Oh yes, yes. It was quite a while ago, though. I remember that the horse had rockers on it.

Movie: Velvet Goldmine(1998)

Brian Slade:
[meets Curt for first time at bar] I just wanted to say… I think your music is tops, really smashing, the best of the lot.

Curt Wild:
[Curt lifts head] Smashing, top hole, jolly old...

[Curt's head falls back and he passes out]

Movie: Halo 2 (VG)(2004)

Prophet of Truth:
No enemy has ever withstood our might.

Movie: The Usual Suspects(1995)

I can put you in Queens on the night of the hijacking.

Really? I live in Queens, did you put that together yourself, Einstein? Got a team of monkeys working around the clock on this?

Movie: Wadd: The Life and Times of John C. Holmes(1998)

Bob Vosse:
Almost no one in the business knew John Holmes or anything about his personal life about where he was born, lived, his family, his wife, or anything. John had almost no social life and very few friends. He didn't want you to be his friend. I tried to be John's friend, but I can't say that I was ever his friend. He didn't want friends. I shot much more than half of the films John made in his life. John never trusted me, but he never trusted anyone. Believe it or not, I never had John's home phone number. In all those years, in the nearly 20 years that I knew him, I never had a phone number to reach him at, and he never told me or anyone his phone number or his home address. If I wanted to contact John, I would have to phone this answering service in Santa Monica, leave a message, and wait for him to call me back. And this was true with everybody. Even at the height of his career, directing the Swedish Erotica films, I never had his address or phone number. Despite working with him all those years, and all the money we paid him, we never had a phone number for him.

Movie: Valley of the Dolls(1967)

Neely O'Hara:
"I have to get up at five o'clock in the morning and SPARKLE, Neely, SPARKLE!"

Movie: The Bad Boys of Saturday Night Live (TV)(1998)

David Spade:
Michael Bolton, big star, popular musician, guess what? You're bald and we all know it. I don't care how long you grow your hair in the back but we all know what's happening on top. I know you sold nine million albums but guess what? I don't know anyone who's got one.

Today's Movie News

Receta del temblor de la barranca

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 02:23:00 +0000
Cheque fuera de esta receta divina para el temblor de la barranca, con
crema, brandy, licor de la almendra del amaretto y crema irlandeses de
la luz. la crema irlandesa poner-as# crema ligera de la onza 3/4 onza
del licor 2 de la almendra del amaretto de 1 onza brandy de 3/4 onza
vierte la crema irlandesa de la crema, del brandy, del amaretto y de
la luz en una coctelera de coctel media llena con los cubos del hielo.
Sacudida muy bien. Filtre en un trago del brandy, y servicio. Servicio

Mushy on the inside - Pottstown Mercury

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 07:07:00 GMT
,Gerard Butler might have led 300 Spartans into battle, but underneath the ripped abs and dangerous deltoids lurks a big softie. This is a guy, after all, who admits to sitting ...

Potter author earns $10 a second - The Province

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 10:06:00 GMT
J.K. Rowling earns £3 million a week. That's roughly $5.75 million weekly in Canadian funds. The Harry Potter author's incredible earnings -- equivalent to about $10 a second ...

Web Tools - Edmonton Journal

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 09:23:00 GMT
Send us your news tips, photos and videos Get a free news feed on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter or your blog Sign up for e-mail alerts to get breaking news and Oilers news. EDMONTON ...

Today's Quotes

Check out these Quotes:

Movie: Xscape(2000)

Dr. Emillia Mariner:
I did not. You accuse me of these things, which I have not done to you. A friend should support a friend no matter what they do. But instead you make what I do seem worse that it actually is.

Dr. Kent Edmund:
I don't, until you do it to me.

Dr. Emillia Mariner:
You do not like me.

Dr. Kent Edmund:
I don't like what you do.

Dr. Emillia Mariner:
A friend could never see the bad things.

Dr. Kent Edmund:
A friend sees this and more.

Movie: UmJammer Lammy (VG)(1999)

Chop Chop Master Onion, Captain Fussenpepper, Ma-san:
[Repeated line] Dojo, casino, it's all in the mind!

Movie: Daffy Duck's Movie: Fantastic Island(1983)

Daffy Duck:
You wasted a wish! I wish that burrito was stuck on your big dumb nose!

Speedy Gonzales:
[The burrito appears on his nose] Help! Get it off. I can't breathe nothing but burrito!

Daffy Duck:
Well Sam, it looks like we'll have to use your wish to get the burrito off his nose. It's the only humane thing to do. Sam? Sam?

Yosemite Sam:
Too late, Duck, I already wished for a pirate ship. After I sinks a certain pesky rabbit, I'll come back and pick you up!

Movie: Kalifornia(1993)

Early Grayce:
Hey, if you switched two letters in your name it'd spell, um... brain!

Latest Movie News

Receta del temblor de la barranca

Sat, 04 Oct 2008 02:23:00 +0000
Cheque fuera de esta receta divina para el temblor de la barranca, con
crema, brandy, licor de la almendra del amaretto y crema irlandeses de
la luz. la crema irlandesa poner-as# crema ligera de la onza 3/4 onza
del licor 2 de la almendra del amaretto de 1 onza brandy de 3/4 onza
vierte la crema irlandesa de la crema, del brandy, del amaretto y de
la luz en una coctelera de coctel media llena con los cubos del hielo.
Sacudida muy bien. Filtre en un trago del brandy, y servicio. Servicio

Russell Brand’s comedy hour - NZCity

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 05:19:00 GMT
Russell Brand has been contracted to shoot a one-hour stand-up special in the US. The British comedian – who has made a name for himself in America in movies such as ...

Fall movie preview - Sun-Journal

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 08:54:00 GMT
I probably won't see any of them, but don't let that stop you. What would Keanu Reeves and Russell Crowe and Michael Cera do without your fawning support? It's no secret that the ...

Quotations for Today

Today's Quotations:

Movie: Untergang, Der(2004)

[last lines]

Traudl Junge:
All these horrors I've heard of during the Nurnberg process, these six million Jews, other thinking people or people of another race, who perished. That shocked me deeply. But I hadn't made the connection with my past. I assured myself with the thought of not being personally guilty. And that I didn't know anything about the enormous scale of it. But one day I walked by a memorial plate of Sophie Scholl in the Franz-Joseph-Strasse. I saw that she was about my age and she was executed in the same year I came to Hitler. And at that moment I actually realised that a young age isn't an excuse. And that it might have been possible to get to know things.

Movie: Our Little Girl(1935)

Molly Middleton:
Do I blow my nose, Daddy?

Dr. Donald Middleton:
If you think you can get the crumbs off that way, sure.

Movie: Magma Head (V)(2003)

Don't listen to the zombies, Guymoe.

Movie: The Magdalene Sisters(2002)

Please, Sister, Katie's dead.

May she rest in peace.

[to Rose]

Remember this beating, girl.

Today's Movie News

TV Shows - Movies and Features - MSN New Zealand

Mon, 22 Sep 2008 21:13:00 GMT
Documentary: Strictly Baby Fight Club Thu 9:30p.m. This powerful observational documentary offers a rare insight into child Thai boxing, one of the fastest growing martial arts in ...


Sun, 05 Oct 2008 08:54:00 GMT
I LOVE movies so much, I go even when I can't get passes. But enough already with what they're making today. Like those old shoot-'em-up, cloak-and-dagger spy movies that once were ...

The latest movies reviewed and rated - New Zealand Herald Blogs

Fri, 12 Sep 2008 21:24:00 GMT
Verdict: In exploring the fascinating past of a character in one of his earlier films, director Vincent Ward gets in the way of his own storytelling In his first project since the ...

Hollywood agrees to digital rollout - ninemsn

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 00:40:00 GMT
Five Hollywood studios have agreed to help pay for a $US1 billion ($A1.3 billion)-plus rollout of digital technology on about 20,000 movie screens in North America, a precursor to ...

Quotes Update

Give me Quotes now!

Movie: Tales from Muppetland: The Muppet Musicians of Bremen (TV)(1972)

[Mordacai trips on the wagon and falls down]

Mordacai Sledge:
[grunting, to Leroy] That was *your* fault!

[to camera] What was *my* fault? I was asleep.

Movie: Open Season(2006)

I get it. You're like a pet.

I'm nobody's pet!

[Holding up a water dish that reads "Boog"] Right.

Movie: Half-Life (VG)(1998)

I didn't sign on for this shit.

Movie: Kamui no ken(1985)

In heaven and earth, you are all I can rely on. Whether going along with you will bring about misfortune or hope for now I do not know. But there is no going back now!

Movie: The Other Sister(1999)

Daniel McMann:
Are you ready? Cause I'm ready!

Carla Tate:
No Daniel, uh, I'm not ready.

Daniel McMann:

Carla Tate:
I was thinking we could wait 'til the next holiday cause holidays are special.

Daniel McMann:
oh cause I feel special right now Carla.

Latest Movie News

Bells and Whistles in Search of an Audience - Washington Post

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 04:08:00 GMT
Blu-ray movies at a Blockbuster in Santa Clara, Calif. Blu-ray discs make up only 4 percent of the home movie market. (By Paul Sakuma -- Associated Press) Pop in a new Blu-ray version of the animated flick "Sleeping Beauty" this week, and you (or ...

This much I know - Guardian Unlimited

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 04:58:00 GMT
Champagne never harmed anyone. I christened my fourth child, Rex, with champagne, poured it over his head at the christening. He seems all right now. My fourth wife, Elize, answered an advertisement on the internet. It read: 'Unbankable film director ...

Sunday-night outsourcing on CW - Chicago Tribune

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 06:52:00 GMT
For the CW network's first two seasons, its Sunday-night lineup was a rumor, one in which the young women it targeted weeknights had no interest. So this fall it has outsourced its Sunday slate to a TV, film and digital outfit called Media Rights ...


Sun, 05 Oct 2008 07:14:00 GMT
AS years go, it's been a pretty good one for Tom Wilkinson. The dependable English actor started off 2008 with an Oscar nod for playing a mentally unbalanced lawyer in "Michael Clayton." He followed with a series-stealing turn as a dandyish Ben ...

The end of an era on Wall Street? - International Herald Tribune

Sun, 05 Oct 2008 06:10:00 GMT
Just before midnight 10 days ago, as a financial whirlwind tore through Wall Street, someone filched a 75-pound bronze bust of Harry Poulakakos from the vestibule of his landmark saloon on Hanover Square in New York. Digging into a bowl of beef ...