All the best Quotes

Quotes that are unforgettable

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Latest Quotes

Straight to the Quotes ...

Movie: The Adventures of Baron Munchausen(1988)

Baron Munchausen:
[after being saved by Sally] You horrible little brat! Can't you let me die in peace once in a while?

Movie: Jackass Number Two(2006)

Dave England:
[while chewing on horse shit] It's so dry!

Movie: Gandhi(1982)

If you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.

Movie: M(1931)

[to union member asleep next to him]

Beggar's Union Member:
Stop snoring! You'll wake up the lice.

Movie: Ocean's Twelve(2004)

Reuben Tishkoff:
[banging on the bathroom door] Frank come on let me in.

Turk Malloy:
How do you think it feels when you're sitting down on the toilet and someone's banging on the door?

Reuben Tishkoff:
Well, I gotta sit down on the toilet or else I'm gonna shit on your feet.

Movie: The Halloween That Almost Wasn't (TV)(1979)

Frankenstein's Monster:
My feet hurt!

Count Dracula:
Don't give me that! I happen to know those aren't your feet!

Frankenstein's Monster:
What did you have to bring that up for?

Movie: AFI Tribute to Meryl Streep (TV)(2004)

Jack Nicholson:
From the bottom of my heart, Mrs. Gummer, I pity you. So perfect. Jersey girl, Yale, perfect starts. Perfect Polock. Perfect everything, English people, Australians, everything like this. But you know, really, when you think about it nobody is that perfect, right? You know, how about the pith Hellmann?

[Meryl Streep, leans back in her chair, mouths "Oh my God", and hides behind her son, seated next to her]

Jack Nicholson:
In any event, you are perfect. In a way, they're making you a sacred cow. I know how much you like that. I have this to say about that: Moo. Moooooo. Because you're transcendent, talented, impassive, passive, gorgeous, committed. To me, you are perfect, and I love you very much. God bless you, God bless America.

Movie: Back to the Future Part III(1990)

Emmett! What can I get you? The usual?

No, Chester, I'm gonna need something a lot stronger than that tonight.


Whiskey, Chester.

Movie: Paint Your Wagon(1969)

Mad Jack Duncan:
All right.

[grabs Jacob Woodling by the beard]

Mad Jack Duncan:
What about it Mormons?

Sarah Woodling:
[whispering] Jacob. We need every penny, Jacob. And I can't bear another day of those martyred looks. There. There it is again!

This isn't a martyred look, Sarah. This look is puuuure - hatred.

Jacob Woodling:
Quiet! Brigham Young has twenty seven wives and he hasn't had half the trouble with them that I've had with the two of you!

Then simplify your life, Jacob. Sell me.

Jacob Woodling:
But Elizabeth: you don't know what you'll get.

I know what I've had.

Movie: Once Bitten(1985)

I haven't had anything this pure since the Vienna Boys' Choir hit town.

Latest Movie News

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Receta del sacador de Bacardi Confetti

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 12:01:00 +0000
Esto es una receta deliciosa para el sacador de Bacardi Confetti, con
el ron de Bacardi Carta Blanca, la limonada, el jugo del pomelo, la
ensalada de fruta y la soda blancos del club. la lata de 16 onzas
drenó la ensalada de fruta 2 litros de soda enfriada del club jugo
congelado lata del pomelo de 6 onzas limonada congelada lata de 6
onzas 750 ml de ron blanco de Bacardi Carta Blanca en envase grande,
mezcla todos pero la soda. Frialdad ...

Latest Quotes

Check out these Quotes:

Movie: L.A. Confidential(1997)

Captain Dudley Smith:
Wendell, I'd like full and docile co-operation on every topic.

Movie: Dangerous Brothers Present: World of Danger (V)(1986)

Richard Dangerous:
So without further ado ladies and gentlemen, let's wet our danger-buds as Sir Adrian teases us with some unusually dangerous bicycling!

Sir Adrian Dangerous:
I have got NO BRAKES.

Richard Dangerous:
No brakes!

Sir Adrian Dangerous:
I have got NO BRAKES.

Richard Dangerous:
No brakes!

Sir Adrian Dangerous:
I have got NO BRAKES.

Sir Adrian Dangerous:
[crashes bicycle into a wall]

Richard Dangerous:
Are you all right, Sir Adrian?

Sir Adrian Dangerous:

Movie: Accattone(1961)

Amore's client:
The world today is a sewer. Now they all do it, more or less.

Movie: Gallagher: Totally New (TV)(1982)

Why do they call a statue a bust when it stops right before the part it'd be named after?

Movie: The Taking of Beverly Hills(1991)

Ed Kelvin:
[On why he took part in the heist] Some of the greed rubbed off... what did you expect?

Movie: Ocean's Eleven(1960)

Topher Grace:
Fellas! Fellas! Check this... all... reds!

Movie: Daredevil(2003)

Matt Murdock:
Mr. Quesada, for your sake, I hope justice is found in here today... before justice finds you.

Movie: Making of 'Jackass: The Movie' (TV)(2002)

Dave England:
I think we're going to attract a large group of just dirty, dirty, creepy old men because I think the word's gonna get out that we have a lot of male nudity in our film.

Movie: Unfaithful(2002)

Connie Sumner:
I think this was a mistake.

There is no such thing as a mistake. There are things you do, and things you don't do.

Movie: Obsessive Love (TV)(1984)

Glenn Stevens:
I told you - don't call me here!

Movie: Une femme est une femme(1961)

Alfred Lubitsch:
Answer yes, and I owe you 100 francs. Answer no, and you owe me 100, okay?

Bar Owner:

Alfred Lubitsch:
Here's the question: Can you loan me 100 francs?

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Receta francesa de Martini

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 15:58:00 +0000
Aquí está una receta deliciosa para Martini francés, con el licor
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limón. 1 cáscara del limón de la torcedura de la vodka 1 del 1/2
onza licor de la frambuesa de 1/4 onza Chambord jugo de piña fresco
de 1/4 onza vierte cada uno del antedicho en un cristal alto de la
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Receta del sacador de Bacardi Confetti

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 12:01:00 +0000
Esto es una receta deliciosa para el sacador de Bacardi Confetti, con
el ron de Bacardi Carta Blanca, la limonada, el jugo del pomelo, la
ensalada de fruta y la soda blancos del club. la lata de 16 onzas
drenó la ensalada de fruta 2 litros de soda enfriada del club jugo
congelado lata del pomelo de 6 onzas limonada congelada lata de 6
onzas 750 ml de ron blanco de Bacardi Carta Blanca en envase grande,
mezcla todos pero la soda. Frialdad ...