All the best Quotes

Quotes that are unforgettable

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Latest greatest Movie Quotations

Here are the Movie Quotations ...

Movie: Gangster No. 1(2000)

Eddie Miller:
[Young Gangster puts an axe on the table] What's that?

Young Gangster:
That? That's my favourite axe, Eddie.

Movie: Daddy Day Care(2003)

Charlie Hinton:
Today we need some organization and planned activities.

No. We need Ritalin and leashes, that's what we need.

Movie: Occasional Coarse Language(1998)

Nice to meet you.

Min Rogers:
Yeah, I'm just tingling from the experience.

Min Rogers:
How do I look?

Like the rockmelon exhibit at the Easter Show.

Movie: Paint Your Wagon(1969)

Mr. Rumson, I swore I wouldn't tell anyone. I hope that means except my father and mother.

Ben Rumson:
That means especially your father and mother.

But I've never kept anything from them before.

Ben Rumson:
Well, it's time you started. Because when you do, a whole new world opens up.

Movie: Open Season(2006)

I call them Woo-hoos. Like in... WOO-HOO!

Movie: Ladder 49(2004)

Jack Morrison:
You know, Mike asked me tonight if I loved the job like I did before, and for the first time in my life, I didn't know what to say.

Movie: Babylon 5: The Gathering (TV)(1993)

Londo Mollari:
There was a time when this whole quadrant belonged to us! What are we now? Twelve worlds and a thousand monuments to past glories. Living off memories and stories, and selling trinkets. My god, man! We've become a tourist attraction. "See the great Centauri Republic - open 9 to 5 - Earth time."

Movie: Face/Off(1997)

Castor Troy:
[as Sean Archer] Sasha, baby, I'm Castor. That's Archer.

Sasha Hassler:
And I'm bored.

Movie: Addams Family Values(1993)

[this is the first nanny Wednesday and Pugsley are talking too] Now children, as your new nanny, I know you're all concerned about the environment. So today, we are going to learn how to prevent forest fires!

[lights a match] Prevent them?

Mrs. Montgomery:
[this is the second nanny] Now children, I've had it up to here. Now you just answer one simple question: Where is that baby?

Which part?

Hello children, I'm polly the puppet. What should we do today? I know! Let's all clean our rooms!

[holding up devil puppet] Hello Polly, I'll clean my room. In exchange for your immortal soul!

Today's Movie News

Flick Picks: Movies for this weekend (New York Daily News)

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 09:51:44 GMT
Director Arthur Penn manages to condense Thomas Berger's brilliant epic novel "Little Big Man" into a wry, revisionist canvas of the American West., The Official Website of Sports Movies, lists the Top 5 Sports Movie Romances for Valentine's Day (PRWeb)

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 08:25:25 GMT, The Official Website of Sports Movies, lists the Top 5 Sports Movie Romances for Valentine's Day. The number one sports movie romance goes to Rocky Balboa and his wife Adrian. The number two sports movie romance goes to Jerry Maguire and his single-mom assistant who becomes his girlfriend and then wife. Number three goes to Bull Durham, four to Fever Pitch and five to ...

Illegal UK downloaders face internet disconnection

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 08:11:00 GMT
MSN New Zealand - A plan to protect the profits of record companies and film studios hit by the illegal copying of music and movies over the internet has been thrown into doubt. As many as six million people are ..., The Official Website of Sports Movies, lists the Top 5 Sports Movie Romances for Valentine's Day (PRWeb)

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 08:25:25 GMT, The Official Website of Sports Movies, lists the Top 5 Sports Movie Romances for Valentine's Day. The number one sports movie romance goes to Rocky Balboa and his wife Adrian. The number two sports movie romance goes to Jerry Maguire and his single-mom assistant who becomes his girlfriend and then wife. Number three goes to Bull Durham, four to Fever Pitch and five to ...

Latest Movie Quotes

Check out these Movie Quotes:

Movie: Our Man Flint(1966)

Mr. Cramden:
Flint, I owe you my life. The medic said four more seconds, and I -

Derek Flint:
*Three* more seconds.

Mr. Cramden:
Damn it, man, is there anything you don't know?

Derek Flint:
A great many things, sir.

Movie: Palacio Presidencial!(2004)

Maurice the Butler:
Excellent speech, Presidente. I particularly liked the bit about the rebels being the stray cats that greedily lap the milk of our freedom. Taut imagery, very good, sir.

Movie: Open House(1987)

Adrienne Barbeau:
When's the last time that you so much as read the ingredients on a can of deodorant?

Movie: Vampire Clan(2002)

I've got powers. Rod's given me powers of a vampire and stuff, and... I am not scared of anything!

I can feel your powers weakening.

My powers aren't weakening.

I am draining you of your powers.

Whatever, your don't know what you're talking about... And another thing - - What the fuck are you doing?

What the fuck does it look like? I'm going home!

Movie: Z Channel: A Magnificent Obsession (TV)(2004)

F.X. Feeney:
Z Channel had what they call a "zero churn rate" which means that nobody would cancel the service.

Movie: S.O.B.(1981)

Dr. Irving Finegarten:
If he starts to levitate, don't panic; it's just a side-effect.

Today's Movie News

H.B. school district to limit R-rated movies in class (Orange County Register)

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 16:36:49 GMT
Trustees for the Huntington Beach Union High School District made a final vote Tuesday night to discourage movies in class after a Marina High School parent pushed for written rules.

Illegal UK downloaders face internet disconnection

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 08:11:00 GMT
MSN New Zealand - A plan to protect the profits of record companies and film studios hit by the illegal copying of music and movies over the internet has been thrown into doubt. As many as six million people are ...

H.B. school district to limit R-rated movies in class (Orange County Register)

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 16:36:49 GMT
Trustees for the Huntington Beach Union High School District made a final vote Tuesday night to discourage movies in class after a Marina High School parent pushed for written rules.

Illegal UK downloaders face internet disconnection

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 08:11:00 GMT
MSN New Zealand - A plan to protect the profits of record companies and film studios hit by the illegal copying of music and movies over the internet has been thrown into doubt. As many as six million people are ...

Daily Quotes

Today's Quotes:

Movie: The Pacifier(2005)

Shane Wolfe:
Mrs. Plummer, I will personally make sure your kids are...

[Gary the Duck bites him in the ear]

Shane Wolfe:
...Oh, my God!

Julie Plummer:
[puts Gary down] Sorry, that's Gary. He was Howard's

Shane Wolfe:
He bit me!

Julie Plummer:
I know. He thinks he's a guard dog.

Movie: The Adventures of Baron Munchausen(1988)

[after the King of the Moon's body crashes, his head flies free]

King of the Moon:
I'm free! I'm free at last! The body is dead! The body is dead, long live the head, it's finished, finito, heh-heh! Bye, body! Ha-ha! I shall prove a head does not need a body to survive! I am omnipotent, ha-ha! Yes... OH! Oh no, I got an itch! Oh, no! Oh no, oh no... AH-CHOOOOO!

[the force of the sneeze rockets him backwards and out of sight]

Movie: The Kentuckian(1955)

Drunk frontiersman with whip:
Who dares? Who dares to crack a whip with me? My mammy was a gator and my pappy was a bull! I can whup my weight in wildcats and drink my belly full. Who dares?

[Stan whips the jug out of drunk whipcracker's hand]

Drunk frontiersman with whip:
Not you, Stan. You cut too fine a seam for me.

Movie: Tales of Legendia (VG)(2005)

[this victory can be seen if Senel, Will, Chloe and Moses are in the party and defeat all the enemies]

Moses Sandor:
Victory dance, c'mon!

Senel Coolidge, Will Raynard, Chloe Valens:
Shut up, Moses!

Movie: The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie: Strange Brew(1983)

Brewmeister Smith:
I could crush your skull - like a nut - but I'm not going to - because I need you.

Latest Movie News

2008 American League schedule - Baseball-

Mon, 11 Feb 2008 20:30:00 GMT
MSNBC - Lifestyle; Maps & Directions; Money; Movies; Music; News; Real Estate/Rentals; Shopping; Spaces; Sports ... 2008 American League schedule Day-by-day rundown of all games for season - Graceless Bible translation disappoints theologians

Tue, 12 Feb 2008 16:33:00 GMT
Jyllands Posten - Grøndalsvej 3 8260 Viby J Tlf: 87 38 38 38 Jourhavende Søren Munch Internetredaktør ... Danish ladies hot on the charts in America; Nation's blind treated to night at the movies ...

February Movies at Little House (Palo Alto Weekly)

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 18:02:16 GMT
On Wednesday movies shown in the Auditorium are: Feb. 13: "Romeo & Juliet"; Feb. 20: "A Midsummer Night's Dream"; Feb. 27: "Othello". Hosted by Bob Brock of the South Peninsula Opera Guild. 1-3 p.m. $1 members, $2 nonmembers. - Gang takes books hostage

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 00:40:00 GMT
Jyllands Posten - Grøndalsvej 3 8260 Viby J Tlf: 87 38 38 38 Jourhavende Søren Munch Internetredaktør ... Danish ladies hot on the charts in America; Nation's blind treated to night at the movies ...

Quotes for Today

Give me Quotes now!

Movie: E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial(1982)

Did your goblin come back?

Shut up.

Well, did he?

Yeah, he came back. But he's not a goblin. He's a spaceman.

Ooh! An Extra-Terrestrial! Where's he from? Uranus? Get it? Your anus?

He doesn't get it Ty.

Get it? Your anus?

He doesn't get it.

You're so immature!

And you're such a sinus supremus.

Zero charisma!

Sinus supremus!

Zero charisma!

Sinus supremus!

Shut up Greg!

Pretty Young Girl:
Hi Elliott.

Sinus supremus!

Zero charisma!

You wimp!

Movie: Jack Frost(1996)

You know, sometimes it's good having a big butt.

Movie: The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother(1975)

Are you Mister S., for Sigerson, Holmes?

Sigerson Holmes:

Do you have a brother whose first name is Sherlock?

Sigerson Holmes:
I do not.

You do have a brother?

Sigerson Holmes:
I do.

Might I inquire as to his first name?

Sigerson Holmes:
"Sheer luck."

Movie: The Taking of Beverly Hills(1991)

Ed Kelvin:
[Conluding his opening monologue on Beverly Hills] ... Of course if you're a beverly hills cop like me you just can't afford to live here... makes you think doesn't it?

Movie: S.W.A.T.(2003)

Patrol Officer:
[Deleted Scene: Gun shop where owners are watching bank robbery coverage on TV, and an LAPD Patrol Officer runs in with his partner] You got anything that can penetrate body armor?

Gun Shop Owner:
No sir, those are restricted weapons...

Patrol Officer:
[Interrupts] Bullshit. What do you got in the back?

Gun Shop Owner:
You know, I actually might have a thing or two...

[Heads to back of shop, and says to other gun shop owner]

Gun Shop Owner:
You want to get a case of those .223's for em?

Gun Shop Owner 2:
You got it.

Gun Shop Owner:
[Returns with 3 assault rifles] Here we go... how do you plan on paying for these?

Patrol Officer:
The city will reimburse you.

Gun Shop Owner:
For restricted weapons out of the back of my shop?

Patrol Officer:
[as the 2 officers run back out] We owe ya!

Movie: Malaya(1949)

The Dutchman:
It's an inexplicable world.

Movie: Labyrinth(1986)

[facing the entire Goblin army] All right, charge!

[a cannon fires, and Ambrocious does a quick about-turn and flees]

Whoa, not that way! You're going the wrong way! THE BATTLE'S BEHIND US!

Movie: Kameleon ontvoerd, De (V)(2006)

Jack Gaddèrie:
Go kick his ass!

Movie: xXx: State of the Union(2005)

[Zeke and Darius are inspecting a truck full of weapons they've just commandeered]

What you think D? This enough bang for you?

Darius Stone:
[Picks up an M249 SAW] God bless America.

Today's Movie News

Christian organization names top movies (Detroit Free Press)

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 17:44:08 GMT
"Amazing Grace," "Bella" and "Ratatouille" were among the winners announced Tuesday night from the Christian Film & Television Commission, which awards movies based on Biblical principals and positive family values.

Secret Conchords show packs tiny store (+photos, video)

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 01:16:00 GMT
Stuff - They both then pointed out where people could find different genre movies. About 100 people crammed into the tiny store, with about twice that number standing outside listening to the show on speakers.


Wed, 13 Feb 2008 18:26:11 GMT
New York's news and alternative newspaper. Interviews, opinion, arts, listings, restaurants, music, bands, books, movies. Classified advertising, real estate, jobs, help wanted, merchandise, musicians billboard, adult.

February Movies at Little House (Palo Alto Weekly)

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:24:04 GMT
On Wednesday movies shown in the Auditorium are: Feb. 13: "Romeo & Juliet"; Feb. 20: "A Midsummer Night's Dream"; Feb. 27: "Othello". Hosted by Bob Brock of the South Peninsula Opera Guild. 1-3 p.m. $1 members, $2 nonmembers.

At the Movies With Ebert & Roeper Reveals Its Academy Award(TM) Choices Online (PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance)

Tue, 12 Feb 2008 23:55:00 GMT
The renowned movie review program "At the Movies with Ebert & Roeper" has announced that its annual If We Picked the Winners special can be found exclusively online this year.

More Quotations

Check out these Quotations:

Movie: The Addams Family(1991)

Dr. Pinderschloss:
Have you tried hard enough? Ask him sweetheart!

Tully Alfford:
No, no, no, Sweetheart. Don't ask!

Movie: Mafia: Lost Heaven (VG)(2002)

You drive worse than Sam here!

Movie: Jack-Jack Attack (V)(2005)

The baby was exploding! Did you ever sit an exploding baby, Mr. Dicker?

Today's Movie News

At the Movies: Capsule Reviews (AP via Yahoo! News)

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 20:44:18 GMT
Capsule reviews of films opening this week:

Illegal UK downloaders face internet disconnection

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 08:11:00 GMT
MSN New Zealand - A plan to protect the profits of record companies and film studios hit by the illegal copying of music and movies over the internet has been thrown into doubt. As many as six million people are ...

No leading man - it's a tragedy

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 16:03:00 GMT
Stuff - There are a lot of good movies but it's not quite the same as living it on stage." The rest of the 25-strong cast will face auditions on March 1, before rehearsals begin later that month.

Spielberg pulls out of Olympic advisory role in protest

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 22:51:00 GMT
Scoop - A plan to protect the profits of record companies and film studios hit by the illegal copying of music and movies over the internet has been thrown into doubt.

Latest greatest Movie Quotes

Give me Movie Quotes now!

Movie: Vagrant Story (VG)(2000)

Callo Merlose:
[discussing Sydney's intentions] It is sad...

John Hardin:
What is?

Callo Merlose:
Even if he can see the past and clasp the truth, how are we to know if he speaks it? If he can push us to believe anything, how do we tell truth from falsehood?

John Hardin:
Why single him out? Everyone lies, surely you know that. Whether they are Dark sorcerers or corrupt clergy, they all lie, and we believe. Am I wrong?

Movie: Jackie Brown(1997)

[as Max Cherry exits the bathroom]

Ordell Robbie:
Uh uh uh... I didn't hear you wash your hands.

Movie: M. Butterfly(1993)

Song Liling:
Well, education has always been undervalued in the West, hasn't it?

Rene Gallimard:
I wouldn't say that.

Song Liling:
No, of course you wouldn't. After all, how can you objectively judge your own values?

Rene Gallimard:
I think it's possible to achieve a little distance.

Song Liling:
Do you?

Movie: The Magic Roundabout(2005)

[Dylan is looking at the buttons on the train, and sees one marked with a spring]

Hey, maybe this is some kind of anti-spring device.

[he presses button. Brian is catapulted upwards]

I can fly!

[looks down]

No, I can't.

Or maybe it's an ejector seat.

Movie: Back to the Future(1985)

[Marty sees the outside of the Hill Valley High School in 1955]

Marty McFly:
Whoa... they really cleaned this place up. Looks brand-new.

[Marty and Doc walk toward the building]

Dr. Emmett Brown:
Now, remember - according to my theory, you interfered with your parents first meeting. If they don't meet, they won't fall in love, they won't get married and they won't have kids. That's why your older brother's disappearing from that photograph. Your sister will follow, and unless you repair the damage, you'll be next.

Marty McFly:
Sounds pretty heavy.

Dr. Emmett Brown:
Weight has nothing to do with it.

Movie: Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis(2006)

Jack Smith:
I was knocking myself out to make this stuff. And I always assumed that people would see this and have pity and give me a little support.


Jack Smith:
They didn't!

Movie: Tarzan(1999)

If I can teach a parrot to sing "God Save the Queen," I can certainly teach this savage a thing or two.

Latest Movie News

Recycled books, movies help homeless (The Olympian)

Tue, 12 Feb 2008 15:21:10 GMT
Members of the Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation are collecting used movies and other donations for the church’s upcoming Books, Brownies & Beans sale.

Are Movies Way Too Long? (AskMen)

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 05:01:50 GMT
Are movies way too long? In the past, if you were going to see a film that was “serious” or in the running for a Best Picture Oscar , it was pretty much expected that you were going to be in the theater for a very long time.