All the best Quotes

Quotes that are unforgettable

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Daily Quotes

Here are the Quotes ...

Movie: On the Line(2001)

You're like the poster boy for the romantically challenged!

Movie: Mafia: Lost Heaven (VG)(2002)

Don Salieri:
[as Pepe's Restaurant is bombed and machine-gunned while he's inside] This is ruining my lunch!They could at least have let me taste the wine!

Movie: Urusei Yatsura 3: Rimenbâ mai rabu(1985)

Ataru Moroboshi:
With me being a hippo, I can't even go out girl-hunting!

Movie: U Turn(1997)

[laughing insanely] You hit me... Bobby!

[stops laughing]

You motherfucker!

Movie: Jack Frost(1996)

You the man!

You the man!

No, I'm the Snowman!

Movie: The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle(2000)

It's Rocky... and Bull... Bull...

I believe the word you're looking for is "winkle".

Movie: The Abyss(1989)

[the cab is flooding]

All right, all right, here.

[takes off his dive suit collar]

You put this on.

Lindsey Brigman:
No, no! What are you doing?

Don't argue with me, goddammit, just put it on!

Lindsey Brigman:
Look, this is not an option, so just forget about it, all right?

Lindsey, shut up! Shut up, and put this thing on!

Lindsey Brigman:
If you'll be logical for one second...


Lindsey Brigman:
Please, listen! Just listen to me for one second. Now you've got the suit on, and you're a much better swimmer than I am, right?

[reluctantly] Yeah, maybe...

Lindsey Brigman:
Right? Yes! So I've got a plan.

What's the plan?

Lindsey Brigman:
I drown, and you tow me back to the rig.

No. No!

Lindsey Brigman:
Yes! This water...


Lindsey Brigman: only a couple degrees above freezing! I g-go into deep hypothermia, my blood'll go like ice water, right? My body systems will slow down, they won't stop...


Lindsey Brigman:
You tow me back and I can, I can be revived after, maybe ten or fifteen minutes. Ten-fifteen minutes!

[pushing the suit collar at her] Linds, you put this on, you put it on!

Lindsey Brigman:
[pushing the collar back at him] No, it's the only way! Just put this on! Put this on, you know I'm right. Please, it's the only way, you've got all the s-stuff on the rig to do this! Put this on, Bud, *please*...

[putting the collar back on] This is insane.

Lindsey Brigman:
Oh my God, I know. But it's the only way.

Movie: X2 - Wolverine's Revenge (VG)(2003)

Stay low, stay quiet, stay alive.

Today's Movie News

In remake of 'Sybil,' less depth and less personality - Boston Globe

Sat, 07 Jun 2008 07:27:00 GMT
Why? Dunno. The motive behind a remake is usually related to the marketability of the familiar brand name - selling this fall's "90210," for example, has already been a breeze for the CW. The motive behind CBS's remake of "Sybil," the haunting 1976 ...

Receta de la persona que practica surf neta

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 05:29:00 +0000
Esto es una receta deliciosa para la persona que practica surf neta,
con el coñac, el whisky del borbón, la vodka, el licor del
melocotón, el jugo anaranjado, el jugo del limón y el jarabe de
fresa. 1 jarabe de fresa de la rociada whisky del borbón de 1 onza
coñac de 1 onza jugo anaranjado de 1 onza licor del melocotón de 1
onza pozo de la sacudida del jugo del limón de la vodka el 1/2 onza
de 1 onza y vierte en el coctel un cristal helado con la fresa.
Servicio en un coctel ...

Receta de neón de Voodoo

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 02:22:00 +0000
Una receta el tentar para Voodoo de neón, con el zumo de manzana, la
vodka y la montaña rocían soda de la fruta cítrica. 1 porción de
zumo de manzana 1 porción de vodka 3 porciones de la montaña del
rocío de la fruta cítrica de cosechadora de la soda la vodka, zumo
de manzana, y rocío de la montaña en un mezclador con cerca de 6-8
cubos del hielo, y mezcla en el colmo por cerca de 10 segundos.
Agregue más vodka si está deseado. Sirva en a ...

Today's Quotes

Check out these Quotes:

Movie: The U.S. vs. John Lennon(2006)

Gore Vidal:
Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.

Movie: The Quiet American(1958)

Thomas Fowler:
If I lost her, for me, it would be the beginning of death.

Movie: Ladder 49(2004)

Lenny Richter:
Why does it always have to be the 12th floor? Why cant they be on the 4th?

Movie: Tail Concerto (VG)(1998)

Alicia Pris:
Oh, whoa, is this the crystal? That was easy!

[Flare takes the crystal from Alicia]

Flare Pris:
Let me see! Oh, let me see! Oh, wow! It's beautiful!

Stare Pris:
Flare, did you wash your hands after eating that candy?

[Alicia got mad and took the crystal now dirty from Flare]

Alicia Pris:
Hey! You idiot! You got chocolate all over the crystal!

Movie: Waiting for Guffman(1996)

Ron Albertson:
We consider ourselves bi-costal if you consider the Mississippi River one of the coasts.

Movie: The Queen(2006)

Prince Philip:
Your tea is getting cold!

Movie: The Acid House(1998)

Colin 'Coco' Bryce:
[about to be breast-fed] Phwoar, ya dirty cunt, ye. You've got some set a' jugs on ye, right enough, doll. Business gear.

Today's Movie News

The Chronicles of Narnia: Out of the wardrobe again - Xinhua News Agency

Sat, 07 Jun 2008 03:10:00 GMT
BEIJING, June 7 -- The characters of C.S. Lewis' fantasy come to screen again in this newest installment of the Chronicles of Narnia series, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. The adventure continues as producer/director Andrew Adamson teams ...

Movies opening Friday - Detroit Free Press

Thu, 05 Jun 2008 07:08:00 GMT
"The Foot Fist Way": A tae kwon do instructor goes on a pilgrimage to meet his idol in this comedy. Rated R for strong language and some sexual content. "Mister Lonely": In Paris, a young American who works as a Michael Jackson look-alike meets ...

In remake of 'Sybil,' less depth and less personality - Boston Globe

Sat, 07 Jun 2008 04:00:00 GMT
Why? Dunno. The motive behind a remake is usually related to the marketability of the familiar brand name - selling this fall's "90210," for example, has already been a breeze for the CW. The motive behind CBS's remake of "Sybil," the haunting 1976 ...

Receta de Nevins

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 11:01:00 +0000
Compruebe fuera de esta receta apetitosa para Nevins, con el whisky
del borbón, el brandy del albaricoque, el jugo del pomelo, el jugo
del limón y el bitters. ingredientes de 1 del 1/2 onza del borbón
del whisky 1 el 1/2 del tsp del albaricoque del brandy 1 el 1/2 del
tsp del limón del jugo 1 de la rociada del bitters 1 del tbsp del
pomelo sacudida del jugo con hielo, tensión en un cristal del coctel,
y servicio. Servicio en un cristal del coctel.

Daily Movie Quotes

Today's Movie Quotes:

Movie: The Valley of Gwangi(1969)

Professor Bromley:
Eohippus, if you are one, what are you doing here over 50 million years after you should be extinct. Could be a freak of nature, of course.

Is there any way you can tell?

Professor Bromley:
By checking its origin. If I could prove that this is the genuine article I should undoubtedly receive a knighthood, Mr Kirby, for the greatest scientific discover of the age.

The greatest scientific discovery of the age? T.J. doesn't know what she's got herself.

Movie: Kate & Leopold(2001)

[Charlie, obviously drunk, is entertaining his friends with stories from acting camp] He started squirting everybody with this turkey baster and screaming "Un-sex me! Un-sex me!"

Wasn't Willem Dafoe in that group?

Yeah, and he went on to talk about how a lot of secrets are hidden in people's basements...

Like the Louvre?

[everybody pauses and looks at Leo]

I'm sorry, Charles, you were saying?

What about the Louvre?

Yeah, tell us what you were going to say.

Well, not all of the artwork in the Louvre is on the walls. Some is in the basement.

You've been in the basement of the Louvre?

Why, yes!

I was a art history major at Vassar!


Movie: On the Set with 'Secondhand Lions' (V)(2004)

Michael Caine:
That's no CGI lion.

Movie: Up the Down Staircase(1967)

[Mr. McHabe notices Miss Barrett walking towards class with a homemade suggestion box]

J.J. McHabe:
Oh. Suggestions, Miss Barrett, ahh? I must say you've got guts.

Sylvia Barrett:
It's just an idea, Mr. McHabe. It seems to me that if the students have a chance to speak freely without fear of punishment...

J.J. McHabe:
Listen, you start running this school with ideas, you'll have riots in your rooms. Fear - That's all they understand.

Movie: The Magnificent Seven Ride!(1972)

Noah Forbes, Writer:
That's all we're taking?

Marshall Chris Adams:

Noah Forbes, Writer:
Let's get more men.

Marshall Chris Adams:
Seven's always been my lucky number.

Movie: Vacation(1983)

Ed, the car salesman:
Wait a minute, I'll get to the bottom of this, we'll find your car. Davenport!

Yes, Mr. Ed.

Ed, the car salesman:
Where is Mr. Griswold's Sports Wagon?

I don't know sir.

Ed, the car salesman:
I know what must have happened. It didn't come in. Now I can get you the Sports Wagon; the only problem is that it may take six weeks. I owe it to myself to tell you that if you're taking the whole tribe cross-country, the Wagon Queen Family Truckster is the way to go. You think you hate it now, but just wait until you drive it.

Clark Griswald:
Ed, I'm not your average fool. Now I want my super sports wagon now, or I'm gonna take my business elsewhere!

Ed, the car salesman:
Davenport! Get Mr. Griswald's car and bring it back here!

[the car is in the process of being smashed. It returns flat, and clark tries to squat and open the door]

Movie: Our Town (TV)(1989)

Mrs. Soames:
What did she die of, Julia?

Mrs. Gibbs:
In childbirth.

Mrs. Soames:
Childbirth. I'd forgotten all about that. My, wasn't life awful--and wonderful.

Movie: O. Henry's Full House(1952)

Sam 'Slick' Brown:
An oil well is a hole in the ground surrounded by suckers.

Movie: The Addams Family(1991)

[as he helps Morticia out of a trap] Leather straps, red-hot pokers!

Later, my dearest.

Movie: X-Men: Next Dimension (VG)(2002)

Humans, you're time has come...

Movie: The X Files Game (VG)(1998)

Mark Cook:
Why Agent Willmore!

Craig Willmore:
Why Agent Cook!

Mark Cook:
You picked a great day to be late. There some big gun from DC in. Don't know why but it sounds serious.

Craig Willmore:
Probably just making sure we're not stealing paper clips.

Latest Movie News

Receta nazi de la cola

Thu, 05 Jun 2008 17:49:00 +0000
Compruebe fuera de esta receta divina para la cola nazi, con el licor
herbario del licor de Jagermeister, de la hierbabuena de Rumple Minze
y la Coca-Cola. licor herbario de 1 onza Jagermeister jagermeister de
la cosechadora de la Coca-Cola del licor de la hierbabuena de 1 onza
Rumple Minze e hielo excesivo del minze del rumple en un cristal del
coctel. Llene de la cola, y del servicio. Sirva en un cristal del

Receta del bolero

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 09:26:00 +0000
Esto es una receta apetitosa para el bolero, con el brandy de la
manzana, el ron ligero y el vermú dulce. 1 vermú dulce del tsp
ligero del ron 1/4 del 1/2 onza brandy de la manzana de 3/4 onza
revuelve todos los ingredientes bien con hielo agrietado. Filtre en un
cristal y un servicio del coctel. Sirva en un cristal del coctel.

Receta de Nevins

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 11:01:00 +0000
Compruebe fuera de esta receta apetitosa para Nevins, con el whisky
del borbón, el brandy del albaricoque, el jugo del pomelo, el jugo
del limón y el bitters. ingredientes de 1 del 1/2 onza del borbón
del whisky 1 el 1/2 del tsp del albaricoque del brandy 1 el 1/2 del
tsp del limón del jugo 1 de la rociada del bitters 1 del tbsp del
pomelo sacudida del jugo con hielo, tensión en un cristal del coctel,
y servicio. Servicio en un cristal del coctel.

Today's Quotations


Movie: Quest for Camelot(1998)

Garrett, what are you doing?

I'm driving!

Are you *sure* that's such a good idea?

Movie: Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers: To Live and Die in Starlight (TV)(2002)

David Martel:
We live for the One, we die for the One, but we don't die stupidly.

Movie: Undercover Blues(1993)

Jane Blue:
You brought our baby into a knife fight?

Jeff Blue:
It was a fair fight. Two of them, two of us...

Movie: Uncle Buck(1989)

Marcie Dahlgren-Frost:
Marcie Dahlgren-Frost. Dahlgren is my maiden name, Frost is my married name. I'm single again, but I never bothered to remove the frost. And I get compliments on the hyphen.

Movie: Bad Boys II(2003)

[Johnny has just shot his cousin Roberto - upon hearing the shot, Mama rushes out to the balcony overlooking the courtyard]

Donna Maria Tapia:
What happened to Roberto?

Hector Juan Carlos 'Johnny' Tapia:
He just killed himself, Mama.

Donna Maria Tapia:

Hector Juan Carlos 'Johnny' Tapia:
Yes, very sad.

Donna Maria Tapia:
You write his mother a nice letter.

[Johnny holds up his hands, one of which is still holding the gun he shot Roberto with]

Hector Juan Carlos 'Johnny' Tapia:
I'll do it.

Movie: Baby Geniuses(1999)

[seeing Dickie's new look] You look like Mt. Pepto Bismol erupted.

Movie: Under My Skin(1950)

Louis Bork:
I would hate to think I've been double-crossed by a tinhorn crook. That would hurt my pride.

Movie: G.I. Joe: The Movie (V)(1987)

Stow it Falcon. I'm allergic to baloney.

Today's Movie News

Receta caliente del lío

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 00:51:00 +0000
Compruebe fuera de esta gran receta para el lío caliente, con el ron
de Bacardi 151, el jarabe del caramelo y los schnapps del cinamomo de
Goldschlager. ron del 1/2 onza Bacardi 151 schnapps del cinamomo de
1/4 onza Goldschlager de 1/4 onza del caramelo del jarabe ingredientes
de la capa cuidadosamente en un cristal del tiro en esta orden:
Goldschlager basa, centro de Bacardi 151, tapa del caramelo. Para el
caramelo, calor en una microonda al punto ...

Movies Adam Sandlers stars in “You Don’t Mess with the Zohan” 02 ... - Euro News

Fri, 06 Jun 2008 11:53:00 GMT
Adam Sandler’s latest movie tells the tale of Zohan Dvir, a Mossad officer who fakes his own death in order to pursue his dream: becoming a hairstylist in New York. “You Don’t Mess with the Zohan,” opens in Europe in June. Expect mayhem