All the best Quotes

Quotes that are unforgettable

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lines from Movies for Today

Today's Lines from Movies:

Movie: The Usual Suspects(1995)

Can you hear me in the back? Hello?

Movie: East Is East(1999)

Mrs. Shah:
I believe in strict discipline. Especially in a NON-Pakistani environment.

Movie: Addams Family Values(1993)

[at Camp Chippewa]

What does chippewa mean?

It's an old Indian word.

It means orphan.

Movie: Adventures of Red Ryder(1940)

Ace Hanlon:
One-Eye, you take the boys down and see if you can't convince Wells to sell at the *right* price.

One-Eye Chapin:
It worked before, Ace. It oughta this time.

Movie: Back to the Future(1985)

Marty McFly:
[acting cool] Do you mind if we... park... for a while?

Lorraine Baines:
That's a great idea. I'd love to park.

Marty McFly:

Lorraine Baines:
Marty, I'm almost 18 years old. It's not like I've never parked before.

Marty McFly:

Lorraine Baines:
Marty, you seem so nervous. Is something wrong?

Marty McFly:
[trying to maintain composure] No... No.

[Lorraine takes a sip from a liquor bottle]

Marty McFly:
[grabbing the bottle from Lorraine] Lorraine, Lorraine, What are you doin'?

Lorraine Baines:
[starting to laugh] I swiped it from the old lady's liquor cabinet.

Marty McFly:
Yeah, well, you shouldn't drink.

Lorraine Baines:
Why not?

Marty McFly:
Because you - you might regret it later in life.

Lorraine Baines:
Marty, don't be such a square. Everybody who's anybody drinks.

[Marty takes a sip from Lorraine's bottle then spit-takes as he notices Lorraine lighting a cigarette]

Marty McFly:
[nauseatingly] Geez! You smoke too?

Lorraine Baines:
Marty, you're beginning to sound just like my mother!

Latest Movie News

Warner : du P2P avec In2Movies, des sonneries chez Skype -

Wed, 30 Apr 2008 22:17:00 GMT
Time Warner est à l'honneur ce mercredi avec un accord dans les sonneries avec Skype et le lancement de sa plate-forme P2P In2Movies en Europe Pas besoin de sa filiale AOL pour ...

Receta oriental del coctel

Mon, 09 Jun 2008 02:49:00 +0000
Una receta scrumptious para el coctel oriental, con el whisky
mezclado, el vermú dulce, el sec triple y las cales. el jugo triple
dulce mezclado 1 onza del vermú el 1/2 onza sec del whisky el 1/2
onza de las cales del 1/2 sacudare todos los ingredientes con hielo,
filtra en un cristal del coctel, y servicio. Servicio en un cristal
del coctel.

Commémoration de Mei Lanfang, star de l'Opéra de Pékin - China.Org

Thu, 31 Jan 2008 22:24:00 GMT
Une collection composée d'une série de 64 timbres commémoratifs, de 11 pièces d'or et d'argent et de 8 cartes de téléphone representant Mei Lanfang (1874-1961), star de l ...

Great Quotes


Movie: G.I. Jane(1997)

Master Chief John Urgayle:
Sergeant Cortes, however brief your stint with this command might be, there are two words you will learn to put together: Team-Mate.

Movie: Unbreakable(2000)

Elijah Price:
It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind.

Movie: Keys to Tulsa(1997)

If I want to hear you talk, I'll squeeze you.

Movie: Vagabond Loafers(1949)

The Cook:
This house has sure gone crazy!

Latest Movie News

Dance ! (3ème partie) - Les Inrocks

Thu, 08 May 2008 05:18:00 GMT
Le meilleur film de danse est aussi, ça tombe bien, le premier et le plus célèbre. Le film de John Badham( Wargame , Tonnerre de feu …) dépasse largement son statut de film ...

Receta del coctel de la ópera

Sun, 08 Jun 2008 11:44:00 +0000
Una receta dulce para el coctel de la ópera, con el vermú de
Dubonnet, la ginebra y el licor franceses del maraschino. 1 ginebra
del 1/2 onza 1 vermú francés del licor el 1/2 onza Dubonnet del
maraschino del tbsp revuelve todos los ingredientes con hielo, filtra
en un cristal del coctel, y servicio. Servicio en un cristal del

Receta anaranjada del demonio

Sun, 08 Jun 2008 17:14:00 +0000
Esto es una receta agradable para el demonio anaranjado, con el jugo
anaranjado, el alcohol de Everclear y licor de la naranja del
Cointreau. el jugo anaranjado de cristal del 1/2 2 alcohol anaranjado
de la onza Everclear del licor 2 del Cointreau de la onza vierte el
jugo anaranjado en un cristal del coctel. Mézclese en el everclear y
el Cointreau, y servicio. Sirva en un cristal del coctel.

Receta del coctel de la ópera

Sun, 08 Jun 2008 11:44:00 +0000
Una receta dulce para el coctel de la ópera, con el vermú de
Dubonnet, la ginebra y el licor franceses del maraschino. 1 ginebra
del 1/2 onza 1 vermú francés del licor el 1/2 onza Dubonnet del
maraschino del tbsp revuelve todos los ingredientes con hielo, filtra
en un cristal del coctel, y servicio. Servicio en un cristal del


Wed, 21 May 2008 00:52:00 GMT
La nouvelle Boutique vidéo Bell offre le plus grand choix de films et d'émissions télévisées à télécharger au Canada 9 h 05 HE New Bell Video Store offers the most download ...

Movie Quotes Update

Give me Movie Quotes now!

Movie: Hail the Conquering Hero(1944)

Sgt. Heppelfinger:
I guess you never got to know your father very well, eh?

Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith:
Well, not exactly... as he fell the day I was born.

Sgt. Heppelfinger:
That's right. It's hard to realize. He was a fine looking fellow. He didn't look anything like you at all.

Movie: The Adventures of Pluto Nash(2002)

Dina Lake:
What makes you so sure he'll help us out?

Pluto Nash:
Oh, he'll help us. He couldn't sing a note if it weren't for me.

Dina Lake:
You taught Tony Francis how to sing?

Pluto Nash:
No, I convinced a bookie not to pour some acid down his throat.

Movie: Mad Monster Party?(1969)

Chef Mafia Machiavelli:
For the main course: I make boar's head, roast vulture and mince hyena casserole. Here, try the hyena casserole. It's terrific, no?

No. There's something missing.

Chef Mafia Machiavelli:
WHAT? Something missing? The casserole of me, Mafia Machiavelli, the greatest chef ever? SOMETHING MISSING?

Chef, please, simmer down.

Chef Mafia Machiavelli:
I bust your head, I broke you nose, I squeeze out you eyes. GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN.

I think I better tell Dr. Frankenstein that dinner is ready.

Movie: Above the Law(1988)

Special Agent Neeley FBI:
Listen Toscani, I want to congratulate you. You just made number 4 on the most wanted list.

Nico Toscani:
Number 4? I wanna be number 1.

Movie: U-571(2000)

Lieutenant Andrew Tyler:
What the Hell are you doing! This is NOT a God damn Democracy!

Today's Movie News

Point. Barre/ - Libération

Thu, 28 Feb 2008 16:21:00 GMT
Il faut avoir assisté au moins une fois dans sa vie à une importante réunion de décideurs pour priser, à s’en boucher les narines, tout l’épice de l’expression «point ...

La receta original de Margarita

Mon, 09 Jun 2008 05:32:00 +0000
Aquí es una receta el tentar para el Margarita original, con el licor
del Cointreau, el jugo del limón y el tequila anaranjados. jugo
anaranjado del limón del licor el 1/2 onza del Cointreau de 1 onza
mezcla del tequila de 2 onzas en una coctelera con hielo. Filtre en un
cristal sal-bordeado del coctel, y adorne con una rebanada de la cal o
del limón. Sirva en un cristal del coctel.

More Quotations

Straight to the Quotations ...

Movie: Osmosis Jones(2001)

The Boss:
Bruiser, take this punk up to the face and bury him in a blackhead. When we're done, It'll take a Swedish facialist six steaming washcloths to get you out.

Sounds like a gas, baby. Bring it on.

Movie: Gangs of New York(2002)

Boss Tweed:
You killed an elected official?

Who elected him?

Boss Tweed:
You don't know what you've done to yourself.

[taps his glass eye with a knife] I know your works. You are neither cold nor hot. So because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth. You can build your filthy world without me. I took the father. Now I'll take the son. You tell young Vallon I'm gonna paint Paradise Square with his blood. Two coats. I'll festoon my bedchamber with his guts. As for you, Mr. Tammany-fucking-Hall, you come down to the Points again, and you'll be dispatched by my own hand. Get back to your celebration and let me eat in peace.

Movie: Valmont(1989)

You are confusing bets and marriages, madame. One must always honor a bet.

Movie: The X Files Game (VG)(1998)

Special Agent Fox Mulder:
I've always wanted to see Canada but there's not much to see when you're locked in the trunk.

Latest Movie News

Receta anaranjada del demonio

Sun, 08 Jun 2008 17:14:00 +0000
Esto es una receta agradable para el demonio anaranjado, con el jugo
anaranjado, el alcohol de Everclear y licor de la naranja del
Cointreau. el jugo anaranjado de cristal del 1/2 2 alcohol anaranjado
de la onza Everclear del licor 2 del Cointreau de la onza vierte el
jugo anaranjado en un cristal del coctel. Mézclese en el everclear y
el Cointreau, y servicio. Sirva en un cristal del coctel.

Receta del coche lateral de Boston

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 00:24:00 +0000
Una receta scrumptious para el coche lateral de Boston, con ron
ligero, brandy, el sec triple y las cales. el brandy de 3/4 onza ron
ligero de 3/4 onza jugo triple de 3/4 onza sec de las cales del 1/2
sacudare todos los ingredientes con hielo, filtra en un cristal del
coctel, y servicio. Servicio en un cristal del coctel.

Receta anaranjada del león

Sun, 08 Jun 2008 20:29:00 +0000
Compruebe fuera de esta receta divina para el león anaranjado, con la
vodka de Absolut Mandrin, los schnapps de DeKuyper Peachtree y el jugo
anaranjado. 1 los schnapps de DeKuyper Peachtree del tiro de la vodka
1 de Absolut Mandrin del tiro del jugo anaranjado 1 de los tiros del
1/2 revuelven los ingredientes con hielo y la tensión en un cristal
del coctel. Servicio en un cristal del coctel.

Receta anaranjada del demonio

Sun, 08 Jun 2008 17:14:00 +0000
Esto es una receta agradable para el demonio anaranjado, con el jugo
anaranjado, el alcohol de Everclear y licor de la naranja del
Cointreau. el jugo anaranjado de cristal del 1/2 2 alcohol anaranjado
de la onza Everclear del licor 2 del Cointreau de la onza vierte el
jugo anaranjado en un cristal del coctel. Mézclese en el everclear y
el Cointreau, y servicio. Sirva en un cristal del coctel.

Receta anaranjada de la flor

Sun, 08 Jun 2008 14:09:00 +0000
Compruebe fuera de esta receta exquisita para la flor anaranjada, con
ginebra, el jugo anaranjado y el azúcar superfine. azúcar superfine
del tsp del jugo anaranjado 1 de 1 onza cosechadora de la ginebra de 2
onzas la ginebra, el jugo anaranjado, y el azúcar en una coctelera
media llena con los cubos del hielo. Sacudara bien, y tensión en un
cristal del coctel. Adorne con la rebanada anaranjada. Sirva en un
cristal del coctel.

Latest greatest Lines from Movies

Here are the Lines from Movies ...

Movie: Under Siege 2: Dark Territory(1995)

Bobby Zachs:
I shouldn't have got back on this fuckin' train.

Movie: Otra conquista, La(1998)

[Tecuichpo dictates to Topiltzin, who is forging a letter from Hernán Cortés to Emperor Charles V] If laws must be broken so that I can rule... laws shall be broken.

Movie: Wagons East(1994)

Ben Wheeler:
I can't face another wounded teller with a workman's comp claim.

Movie: C.C. and Company(1970)

I mean what the hell is this?

I mean I don't gotta do nothin, you gotta do something.

Movie: X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse (VG)(2005)

I'm the best at what I do.

Movie: The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns (TV)(1999)

Queen Morag:
Don't be such a drama Fairy, Chamberlain.

Movie: B*A*P*S(1997)

See you deserve this kinda stuff...

[hanging head to "cry"]

but I just can't give it to you... You deserve nice stuff... You deserve a big ol' house... and you - you deserve your own back yard... and - and everyone else got a - a little white dog, why you can have one? I wanna take you out to dinner... everytime we go out, we gotta watch - other people eat... HELL I wanna eat too! And - and you need some clothes... W-w-why should you have to wear your Sunday clothes on Wednesday? Now look girl... don't think a dude a punk cause he crying like a little girl - but you're my queen... and I Lah-Love you!

Oh James you ain't never said nothin' like this... Don't said it if you don't mean it!

[knocks James into a fountain]


Movie: Ordinary People(1980)

Conrad "Con" Jarrett:

Hm, what?

Conrad "Con" Jarrett:
Oh just anyway. It's a conversation starter.

Hm, catchy.

Conrad "Con" Jarrett:
I knew you'd like it, I've been working on it all day.

Movie: Under Siege 2: Dark Territory(1995)

Travis Dane:
300,000 pages of code. Or 60 minutes of triple-X rubber-and-leather bondage porno. Technology can be used for beauty, or debasement. And until you plug it in, you'll just never know.

[Puts the CD-ROM in the drive]

Travis Dane:
Oh, oh! I seem to have brought up targeting codes.

Movie: The Adventures of Pinocchio(1996)

But, Gepetto, darling, we were just playing with him.

Gepetto, the Puppet Mason:
He'll play with his own sort.

And what sort may that be?

Movie: UHF(1989)

Movie Announcer:
Next week on U62, He's back, And this time, He's mad, Ghandi II. No more mister passive resistance, He's out to kick some butt. This is one bad mother you don't wanna mess with.

Don't move, slimeball.

Movie Announcer:
He's a one man recking crew. But he also knows how to party.

Give me a steak, medium rare

Hey, baldy!

Movie Announcer:
There is only one law, his law

Movie Announcer:
Ghandi II

Today's Movie News

Cum adentro una receta del mezclador

Sat, 12 Jan 2008 06:59:00 +0000
Esto es una receta muy agradable para cum adentro un mezclador, con el
licor blanco del licor del chocolate, de café de Kahlua, el whisky,
la leche, la cola de Pepsi y el plátano. 1 plátano grande licor de
café de la onza Kahlua del whisky 3 de 1 onza 3 la cola blanca de la
onza Pepsi del licor 4 del chocolate de la onza leche de 8 onzas
vierte la leche en un mezclador con un poco de hielo machacado.
Agregue el licor blanco del chocolate, ...

Beinahe-Kollision mit Kanguru-Kadaver - Der Spiegel

Sun, 01 Jun 2008 08:10:00 GMT
Tagesbestleistung für das Solartaxi: 375 Kilometer schafft Louis Palmer bei seiner Fahrt durch die menschenleere Nullarbor Plain. Die Tierwelt bleibt sein Begleiter - den ...

Receta anaranjada de la flor

Sun, 08 Jun 2008 14:09:00 +0000
Compruebe fuera de esta receta exquisita para la flor anaranjada, con
ginebra, el jugo anaranjado y el azúcar superfine. azúcar superfine
del tsp del jugo anaranjado 1 de 1 onza cosechadora de la ginebra de 2
onzas la ginebra, el jugo anaranjado, y el azúcar en una coctelera
media llena con los cubos del hielo. Sacudara bien, y tensión en un
cristal del coctel. Adorne con la rebanada anaranjada. Sirva en un
cristal del coctel.