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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Today's Movie Quotations

Movie Quotations:

Movie: The Eagle Has Landed(1976)

[first lines]

[WWII News Story] September 12, 1943, German paratroopers snatched Mussolini from his mountaintop prison in Italy.

Movie: Old School(2003)

So what are you? Campus security?

Dean Pritchard:
Try again.

Jevohah Witness?

Dean Pritchard:
I'm the Dean. Dean Pritchard.

Movie: Ma Barker's Killer Brood(1960)

Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker:
Are you offering any cash?

Machine Gun Kelly:
Of course we are. Lou figured we'd pay about-

Lou, Kelly's Girl:
[interrupts] Not one red cent!

Machine Gun Kelly:
But honey you said 50 grand.

Lou, Kelly's Girl:
That was before we found Ma alone.

Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker:
I never heard of such a thing! Trying to steal another mob's kidnap, why, it ain't honest!

Machine Gun Kelly:
You're in no spot to refuse Ma.

Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker:
Do you want to gamble on that?

Machine Gun Kelly:
Can you beat four of a kind?

Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker:
Depends on how big they are.

Lou, Kelly's Girl:
I'd call them aces

Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker:
Oh honey, you've enver been known to be very bright.


Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker:
They look more like jokers to me!

Machine Gun Kelly:
You're slippin Ma. A joker is still an ace.

Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker:
Not in Texas poker! We strip out the joker and that's just what I'm going to do with your bad hand.


Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker:

[Steps out with a machine gun]

Lou, Kelly's Girl:
That's a pretty low card Ma.

Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker:
Well, maybe I'd better draw another.


Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker:

[he steps out with another machine gun]

John Dillinger:
[Kelly pulls out a handgun] You better draw your limit Ma, and fast. I'm losing patience.

Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker:
[calls] Baby Face Nelson!

[There is a pause while Kelly realized they are outnumbered]

Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker:
And if Fred and Karpis and Baby Face and me ain't enough, I've got a wild card, a real wild card...


Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker:
Johnny Dillinger

[he fires off a round at the ground near their feet]

John Dillinger:
Fives beat fours, I'd say that Ma has the best hand.

Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker:
[Laughing] After this, folks'll be callin you 'Pop' Gun Kelly!

Movie: Accattone(1961)

Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi:
The important thing is that we love each other. One day that will be all. Madonna make me a saint, I've already done my pennance.

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