All the best Quotes

Quotes that are unforgettable

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Today's Movie Quotations

Straight to the Movie Quotations ...

Movie: Back to the Future(1985)

Mr. Strickland:
Am I to understand you're still hanging around with Dr. Emmett Brown, McFly?

[clicks with his mouth, gives Jennifer a tardy slip]

Mr. Strickland:
Tardy slip for you, Miss Parker.

[gives Marty one, too]

Mr. Strickland:
And one for you, McFly. I believe that makes 4 in a row. Now let me give you a nickel's worth of free advice, young man. This so-called Dr. Brown is dangerous, he's a real nutcase. You hang around with him, you're gonna end up in big trouble.

Marty McFly:
[smart-alecky] Oh, yes sir.

Mr. Strickland:
[pushes Marty a little bit] You've got a real attitude problem, McFly. You're a slacker! You remind me of your father when he went here. He was a slacker, too.

Movie: Back to the Future(1985)

Marty McFly:
Too loud. I can't believe it. I'm never gonna get a chance to play in front of anybody.

Jennifer Parker:
Marty, one rejection isn't the end of the world.

Marty McFly:
Nah, I just don't think I'm cut out for music.

Jennifer Parker:
But you're good, Marty, you're really good. And this audition tape of yours is great. You've gotta send it in to the record company. It's like Doc's always saying...

Marty McFly:
Yeah, I know, I know. If you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything.

[He sees two girls walk by and looks at them]

Jennifer Parker:
[turns Marty's head back to her] That's good advice, Marty.

Movie: Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby(2006)

Ricky Bobby:
How was school today, boys?

I threw a bunch of Grandpa Chip's war medals off the bridge.

I can't hold my tongue. These kids are my grandchildren, and you are raising them wrong

Shut up Chip, or I'll go ape shit on your ass!

Texas Ranger:
Yeah, Chip, Momma says I should kick you in the back of the head!

Cal Naughton, Jr.:
Yeah! Go on and get some boys!

Texas Ranger:
I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey!

I may be 10 years old but I'll beat your ass!

Cal Naughton, Jr.:
Go and get some, boys.

Texas Ranger:
I'm all hopped up on Mountain Dew!

Movie: Our Wife(1931)

Goodbye, Ducky Lover.

Goodbye, Dimple Dumpling.

Movie: Operation Petticoat(1959)

Filipino farmer:
[seeing Holden's shoes] Oh! Zappatos!

Lt. Nicholas Holden:
Oh no! Not my zappatos.

Movie: The Palm Beach Story(1942)

Gerry Jeffers:
You have no idea what a long-legged woman can do without doing anything.

Movie: Vacation(1983)

Real tomato ketchup, Eddie?

Cousin Eddie:
Oh, nothing but the best.

Movie: The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert(1994)

I've um... been asked to do a show out of town.

Movie: Baby Buggy Bunny(1954)

Bugs Bunny:
Oh, Finster! Oh, Finster, baby!

[Sees Finster trying to get the money]

Bugs Bunny:
Oh, there you are, you naughty baby.

[Shakes Finster]

Bugs Bunny:
How many times I have told you not to play with that dirty money? We'll just have to get hims all tidied up.

[Puts Finster in the washing machine and turns it on; takes him out, covered in suds]

Bugs Bunny:
There, nice enough to be kissed. Ah, whoops, the baby!

[Throws Finster up against the ceiling]

Bugs Bunny:
Oh, dear. I do believe I've forgotten my fudge.

[Turns around, Finster falls behind him]

Bugs Bunny:
Aw, sakes alive. Did'ims fall down?

[Finster pulls out a knife and tries to stab Bugs; he misses and stabs himself in the butt]


[Murmurs obscenities]

Bugs Bunny:
[as he spanks Finster, weapons fall out] We'll just have to learn not to play with knives and not to use naughty words. And believe me, Finster, this hurts you more than it does me.

Movie: Macbeth(1948)

Arm, arm, and out! There is no flying hence, nor tarrying here. I 'gin to be a-weary of the sun, And wish the estate of the world Were now undone. Ring the alarum bell! Blow, wind, come wrack! At least we'll die with harness on our back!

Latest Movie News

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Mon, 07 Jul 2008 07:28:00 GMT
美国宇航局科学任务委员会(Science Mission Directorate)日前推出一个新网站,提供有关美宇航局科学探索努力和成就的最新信息和动向。 关键词 : 科学探索 网站 NASA google中文网站谷歌改版:真是不“简单” 早在去年11月有媒体报道

Receta serpentina

Thu, 21 Feb 2008 18:35:00 +0000
Esto es una receta encantadora para la serpentina, con ron ligero,
brandy, vermú dulce, jugo del limón, azúcar superfine y el limón.
el ron ligero de 1 onza 1 azúcar superfine del tsp dulce del vermú
el 1/2 del jugo el 1/2 onza del limón del brandy el 1/2 onza de la
cáscara el 1/2 onza del limón de la torcedura en una coctelera media
llena con los cubos del hielo, combina el ron, el brandy, el vermú,
el jugo del limón, y el azúcar. Pozo de la sacudida. Filtre en a

Lines from Movies for Today

Here are the Lines from Movies ...

Movie: Gallagher: We Need a Hero (V)(1993)

Why doesn't Madonna have a sex show, teaching kids about sex? 'Cause she's 'Like A Virgin'. Like *when*? First time I saw her dance I knew she screwed like an epileptic rabbit with the hiccups!

Movie: The Jackal(1997)

How did you know whose phone to tap?

Carter Preston:
I didn't. So I tapped everybody's.

Ambassador Koldin:
But I have Diplomatic Immunity! Who authorized you to tap my telephone?

Valentina Koslova:
I did, Ambassador.

Movie: Hall of Mirrors(2001)

Just remember, Hewitt: a man needs only to be turned around once with his eyes shut in this world to be lost.

Movie: Queens Logic(1991)

Come on, what do I gotta do?

You could crawl through broken glass on your hands and knees with a sign on your back that says "asshole." That might get you in the door.

Movie: Of All the Luck(2003)

Look at THAT GIRL! She's so unusual!

Just who does she think she is anyways?

Movie: Kelly's Heroes(1970)

Pvt. Little Joe:

Big Joe:
[shouts] What?

Pvt. Little Joe:
[waves the radio] It's Mulligan.

Big Joe:
[disgustedly] It's Mulligan. What the hell does he want?

Pvt. Little Joe:
He says he's sorry.

Big Joe:
[muttering] Sorry son of a bitch.

Movie: Face/Off(1997)

Castor Troy:
I hate to see you go, but I LOVE to watch you leave.

Movie: The Taking of Flight 847: The Uli Derickson Story (TV)(1988)

Understand? You stay with me, we agree? You stay.

Purser Uli Derickson:
Don't hurt anyone.

We agree?

Purser Uli Derickson:
Just don't hurt anyone else.

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Receta de Cosmobellini

Mon, 07 Jul 2008 11:34:00 +0000

Will新片《John Hancock》中和塞隆肉搏~– Mtime时光网 ... - 时光网

Sun, 06 Jul 2008 18:42:00 GMT
Will新片《John Hancock》中和塞隆肉搏~ ... 公告] 欢迎群组成员踊跃发贴,积分是大家的!!! 2008-4-12 22:26:50

亲亲新郎 – Mtime时光网 - 时光网

Sun, 06 Jul 2008 18:42:00 GMT
亲亲新郎 ... ◎译  名 亲亲新娘 ◎片  名 Kiss the Bride ◎年  代 2007

Receta ácida de Mindfuck

Sat, 24 Feb 2007 09:15:00 +0000
Compruebe fuera de esta receta scrumptious para Mindfuck ácido, con
los schnapps herbarios del licor de Jagermeister, del cinamomo de
Goldschlager, licor de la hierbabuena de Rumple Minze, sambuca de
Romana y vodka negros. schnapps de 1 cinamomo de la onza Goldschlager
licor herbario de 1 onza Jagermeister sambuca negro de 1 onza Romana
licor de la hierbabuena de 1 onza Rumple Minze mezcla de la vodka de 1
onza el sambuca de Jagermeister, de Goldschlager, de Rumple Minze, de
Romana y vodka negros adentro ...

Great Quotations

Check out these Quotations:

Movie: Open Season(2006)

Ian's right, I'm a loser

No you're not a loser

Yes I am!

No you're not!



Trust me, you know the day I met you Ian kicked me out of the herd, I lost my antler, I got run over, and tied to the hood of a truck, what do you call that?

Ahhh a loser! But check this out... behold the mighty grizzly... i look like a bear, i talk like a bear but i can't fish, i can't climb a tree, i can't even go in the woods

Thats nothing! Half doe, half buck! I'm a duck!

I ride a unicycle for crackers

I have a glass eye

I can't snap

I thought log was a colour

I can't see my feet!

I killed a man!

Movie: Oldboy(2003)

Woo-jin Lee:
Mister. Are you alright? What happened to you? Saewoon Apartments, Eung-am building 8. Take care of him.

Dae-su Oh:
Thank You.

Woo-jin Lee:
Not at all. Well, then. Farewell, Oh Dae Su.

Dae-su Oh:
Farewell, Oh Dae Su.

Movie: Bad Boys II(2003)

KKK Member #1:

KKK Member #2:

[Two of the guys in hoods whip them off, revealing Mike and Marcus, pointing guns at the Klan]

Mike Lowery:
Blue power, motherfuckers! Miami PD!

Marcus Burnett:
Aw, damn! It's the niggras!

Movie: Kansas City Confidential(1952)

Tony Romano:
It don't take no big thinking to figure a couple of guys like us ain't in this bananaville on a vacation!

Movie: Keep Your Distance(2005)

Melody Carpenter:
Call your wife, David. I'm sure she's worried sick about you.

David Dailey:
I told you, she's out of town.

Melody Carpenter:
You're a terrible liar, David.

Movie: Kaijû daisenso(1965)

You? Well this is a funny place to meet. Yah, I'm gonna die laughing.

Movie: L.A. Confidential(1997)

Sid Hudgens:
Get me some narco skinny. I want to do an all-hophead issue. You know, schwartze jazz musicians and movie stars. You like it?

Movie: Unendliche Geschichte, Die(1984)

Mr. Koreander:
Your books are safe. While you're reading them, you get to become Tarzan or Robinson Crusoe.

But that's what I like about 'em.

Mr. Koreander:
Ahh, but afterwards you get to be a little boy again.

Wh-what do you mean?

Mr. Koreander:
Listen. Have you ever been Captain Nemo, trapped inside your submarine while the giant squid is attacking you?


Mr. Koreander:
Weren't you afraid you couldn't escape?

But it's only a story.

Mr. Koreander:
That's what I'm talking about. The ones you read are safe.

And that one isn't?

Movie: Da(1988)

The dangerous ones are those who amuse us. There are millions like him- inoffensive, stupid, and not a damn bit of good. They've never said "No" in their lives or to their lives, and they'd cheerfully see the rest of us buried. If you have any sense, you'll learn to be frightened of him.

Movie: The Jackal(1997)

[the Jackal has shot Koslova]

The Jackal:
Ooh, that's bad. The blood's almost black, that means the bullet's in your liver. You have about 20 minutes to live. If the pain gets to be too much, you can take your hand away. Then you'll be dead in 5 minutes.

Valentina Koslova:
When Declan kills you, you think of me, OK.

The Jackal:
OK. I'll make a note of that.

[grabs her head]

The Jackal:
If you see Declan before you die, you tell him that he can't protect his women.

Movie: The Quiet(2005)

[last lines]

But being invisible isn't worth it in the end, because when you're invisible, other people may not see you, but you can't help seeing other people.

Movie: Bacall on Bogart (TV)(1988)

John Huston:
He's a much bigger star today than when he was alive. He has become what amounts to a cult figure.

Today's Movie News

Mon, 07 Jul 2008 02:55:00 +0000
Compruebe fuera de esta receta divina para la yema del desayuno, con
el brandy del albaricoque, el sec triple, la leche, la crema, el
huevo, el azúcar pulverizada y el nuez moscada molida moscada. el tsp
del 1 del huevo del 1 pulverizó el del azú...

五月更多推荐-冒险惊悚 - 网易

Sun, 06 Jul 2008 17:01:00 GMT
虽然自成豪华版,但是花絮却比较一般。伊斯特伍德似乎没时间去录评论音轨,幕后短片也只有纪录片《旧式的爱情》一部,和主题曲MV之类琐碎东西。碟片画面比率也仅有1.85:1一种。 时值暑期,皮克斯的“小台灯”再度忙碌

Movie Quotations Update

Today's Movie Quotations:

Movie: Ocean's Eleven(1960)

You guys are pros. The best. I'm sure you can make it out of the casino. Of course, lest we forget, once you're out the front door, you're still in the middle of the fucking desert!

Movie: Hairspray(1988)

[from trailer]

Link Larkin:
[to Tracy] I think knowing you is the start of a pretty big adventure.

Movie: The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert(1994)


Movie: Ultimate Avengers II (V)(2006)

General Nick Fury:
This one needs a clear head in the lead, Captain. You're carrying too much baggage. Widow, you'll be in command.

Hank Pym:
Demoted. I guess that makes him Private America, huh?

Movie: Tarzan and His Mate(1934)

Martin Arlington:
Dead men can't give orders.

Harry Holt:
Yes they can.

Movie: Adventures of Captain Marvel(1941)

Shazam [Ch. 1]:
I am Shazam.

Billy Batson:
My name is...

Shazam [Ch. 1]:
All is known to me. Your name is Billy Batson. You did not pry into the secret of the Scorpion. That is why I am here.

Billy Batson:
But where did you come from?

Shazam [Ch. 1]:
Out of the past, my son. Down through the ages to guard the secret of the Scorpion.

Movie: Orgazmo(1997)

Who will I be fucking in this scene?

Maxxx Orbison:
Um, you'll be fucking Ben and Rodgers. By the way, this is our new Orgazmo.

Hi. Are we fucking?

Maxxx Orbison:
No, we'll be bringing in a stunt cock.

And I'm NOT doing any ass-licking in this scene!

Maxxx Orbison:
Yes, yes, no ass-licking!

I'm not an ass-licker!

[Walks away]

Maxxx Orbison:
[shaking his head] Give 'em an inch, and they take a mile.

Movie: Major League II(1994)

[Rick Vaughn is pitching to Jack Parkman during practice]

Jack Parkman:
What do you call that garbage?

Rick Vaughn:
It's my eliminator. I've got another pitch. You get a piece of it, I'll let you name it.

[Vaughn pitches and Parman hits the ball out of the park]

Jack Parkman:
I'd, uh, call it the masturbator.

Movie: Damn Yankees!(1958)

Mr. Applegate:
I see it all now! Ya doped me. But why? Why?

Because I love him!

Movie: Dangerous Beauty(1998)

Beatrice Venier:
Do you know what my daughter's nurse told her today? "In a girl's voice lies temptation - a known fact. Eloquence in a woman means promiscuity. Promiscuity of the mind leads to promiscuity of the body." She doesn't believe it yet, but she will. She'll grow up just like her mother. Marry, raise children and honor her family. Spend her youth in needlepoint and rue the day she was born a girl. And when she dies, she'll wonder why she obeyed all the rules of God and Country for no biblical hell could ever be worse than a state of perpetual inconsequence.

Movie: Game of Death(1978)

[Billy stops Ann from shooting Dr Land]

Billy Lo:
Let it go. What must be done is being done.

Movie: One Special Night (TV)(1999)

Why did you give me a ride?

Because I was looking for a nightmarish adventure in the snowy wilderness.

No, why did you?

Because I recognized the look.

What look?

The look that says, "I love my mate more than anything in the world, but if I spend one more minute in here watching him suffer, I'll scream."

Was I that obvious?

Latest Movie News

Receta de la alegría de Apple y del cinamomo

Thu, 21 Feb 2008 06:25:00 +0000
Una receta exquisita para la alegría de Apple y del cinamomo, con los
schnapps de los schnapps del barril de DeKuyper Apple y del cinamomo
de Goldschlager. los schnapps del cinamomo de 1/8 onza Goldschlager
los schnapps del barril de 7/8 onza DeKuyper Apple vierten schnapps en
el cristal del tiro. Gotee Goldschlager en schnapps. Revuelva dos
veces. Sirva en un cristal del tiro.

Receta de Cosmobellini

Mon, 07 Jul 2008 11:34:00 +0000